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Posts posted by DailyHalo

  1. This team won't be a major player at the trade deadline this year. Maybe a pen piece or a backup player here and there might be shipped out for pieces but Escobar isn't going anywhere and neither will any of the SP. The focus will be on pitching and corner outfield this off-season. The Pen will be a major point of emphasis and can see a total re-haul, with power as the new norm. A large portion of salary is coming off the books and the most effective way is to build from the back forward. Next year has the potential to be the first year this franchise goes over the luxury tax and starts righting our wrongs with a little money, at least at first. This team has minor league depth issues but that is not the most pressing concern for the major league club right now. Every organization wants a fruitful minor league system but the goal is to win a ring at the highest level. It will be years before our minor league system recuperates and supplements the big league club in tandem. Anyone who thinks this team is years away from competing though is sad and why even bother being a fan, if there is no hope in sight? Not every point of concern can be addressed in a single off-season. Be happy this isn't a small market team with no budget. We have an owner who has more money than he knows what to do with and has a burning desire to hoist a trophy in his lifetime. Money can't fix everything but it sure can build a foundation for the future. It's gotten to the point where spending a few extra dollars might be worth the happiness in the end and could lead to some real fun and competitive baseball for us all in the near future.

  2. 8 hours ago, yamsi12 said:

    Hes right. Most weren't feeling the bern.

       No, you both are horribly wrong.. We've already been socialist for as long as I can remember. America is Socialist, hidden under the ruse of a Capitalist/modern white Caste system. Sure If you use the worst case scenario for your example, like a dictatorship, then sure its terrible. Third world countries are poor for a reason and its not because their ideas are bad, it's their leadership is corrupt. Socialism brought you everything you don't do yourself. The law, the IRS, the court systems. state construction, Medicare, the VA, School system, the Prison system, the EPA, Postal system,PBS, Fire and Police departments, the Military, CIA, FBI, CDC, vaccines, WIC, Fema, Amtrak, metro Buses, OSHA, any Public or state run parks/dams/museums/beaches etc, the roads you drive on and the list goes on and on and on. The most intriguing ones are business subsidies and business welfare are provided from our taxes. If you vote for Anyone other than Bernie Sanders, you are woefully ignorant to reality and don't think things through or just plain wealthy enough to be that ignorant and don't care about anyone else but yourself. He might not be the most charismatic person but he certainly won't lie to your face and laugh about it to their rich friends when the door hits your ass on the way out. PS, this election was fraudulent and stolen right out from under those people that should have been fighting a lot harder and longer then we were for this. 

  3. Arte isn't this teams problem and neither is the GM. In the short term, we have been struck by staggering misfortune. No one could have foreseen having this many arm injuries, in this short amount of time. No amount of minor league depth could have helped and arguably no team has that amount to fix this big of a hole. Sean Newcomb wasn't the answer, especially not this year and Simmons, although starting out slow isn't the problem either. Every move hasn't been gold but the ones that were meant to carry real weight have have panned out quite nicely. Some of the more minor moves aren't paying dividend but thats why they are minor pieces with upside and not organization cripplers. This isn't about the moves we've made but rather the ones we didn't. We should have signed an arm or two in the off season and hadn't relied so heavily on players building off of their previous year for success. Instead of minor league depth per say, we could have had a bunch of major league ready arms forcefully stuffed in AAA, fighting their way to the rotation instead of just giving them the spots.

    I know this thread is about the idea of getting rid of the GM and that this season may be shaping up to be a lost year but we should use this season as a spring board for getting a jump start on the next one. A season without the real issue, Mike at the helm. No not Trout, he most likely won't ever play in another uniform but rather Scioscia. We have had the same voice in the dugout for far to long now. The weight his name carries clearly out ways his managerial prowess. Today's lose might not have been on him but how many have been? The way this team operates and feels, is so predictable. There's no surprise or variation in his decisions. He ither makes the obvious move or the one that leaves us all scratching our heads. Mismanagement here and there is no big deal but why does it seem to be a daily occurrence? I seemed to always be questioning his moves and you shouldn't have to do that with your leader. I know you think the players are loyal to him but they are more loyal to winning. Sure if you have some asshole as your manager then people won't like him but why would you do that. Everyone has got to start somewhere. I'm not saying we give the job to some first time manager but a new voice is the next logical step. 

  4. Johnson should get a shot but that's just another gamble. But hey we need some fresh blood up here ASAP! Pitching is the key here but the thing that really gets me, is all of these teams with multiply guys that throw 95+ in their pens. It's the cheapest way to become competitive and we need arms we can rely on. 

  5. I thought we've all established that Fowler isn't a CF anymore and I'm sure Heyward will get every opportunity to play center for now. If they don't trust Dexter or Jason to play center, who will for them then? They have an outfield logjam as is and Fowler would be an easier move IMO. Baez and Soler would be part of a significant move potentially down the road for them. They most likely wouldn't be traded in spring training though. The Cubs aren't necessarily looking for a huge haul of prospects but also what one pitcher will they receive that's worth Baez/Soler right now? This whole situation has been quite a ride for all the parties involved I'm sure but in a week no one will even care how it happened. I mean, at least not until we start filming for the World Series DVD of course.

  6. Something is awry but I agree though, I would rather sign Fowler for 3 years then wait for a prospect to develop. But now a perfect situation has dropped right into our laps and were going to see how we react. He signed for below market value, on a one year and back with the Cubs. We have a situation now, were we can both save money and keep our pick. The question is, are we comfortably with a trade involving Fowler and most likely one of our left handed pitchers? I trust in the FO to do their due diligence on the situation. 

  7. I couldn't even type anything yesterday. I was in shock and still am frankly. Fowler fit the teams needs from day one and we knew the general ballpark for a contract. We dropped the ball on this one big time and we now know we're shooting for a big draft. It's going to be pretty easy, If we draft like a bunch of a**holes, then we're dumbbbbb and are clearly wasting a once in a generation window. This is an obvious BUSINESS to Arte and this isn't seen as a treasure but a property. He's pretty much been winning his entire life, so who the f*** cares about just another parade. In 3-7 years this will hopefully be all mute because we had a great draft and took advantage of our guaranteed Trout years. 

    1. I mean I won't lie, I am an Angel's fan and see nothing but a roster of improved position players, starting pitching that's healthy from the onset and a more prepared and professional looking ball club.
    2. I do believe we have a ton of potential all-stars. Your right abut C.J. though, he probably won't be an all-star for a few more years but Perez is a diamond and now. I believe Carlos will take over the reigns from Yadier as the premiere C in the league by 2018. He just looks smooth beyond his years with both the bat and his glove. Even at this point, he seems to already be better than most of the catchers in the American League. This team is full of new faces, so there's a ton of players to keep an eye on but he's going to make a name for himself in this game. That trade was Jerry's best move IMO and gave us considerable talent for the future in both players.
    3. He's not young but don't forget about Gomez either. I'm thinking they're going to be more of the second half stros from last year and not the first half juggernaut that came out of LEFT FIELD. They have an amazing core of young talent but that means all of those young kids have to repeat it again. They won't hit a million home runs again and their starting pitching doesn't have the track record to just say they're going to dominate again. A few seasons and some improved pitching and they'll be a perennial contender.
    4. I see a lot of what your saying AB but can you explain to me exactly what you think is so great about David Freese?
    5. Zenmaster hit it on the head haha and Johnny was dragging this organization down at 2B.
    6. The Mariners are an amalgamation of every team in the west. They made a ton of busy bee moves that just spun the tires like Oakland, they're counting on health just as much as Texas, they have a ton of unproven talent like Houston and remarkably are somehow paying more than they should, just like us. I'm obviously being critical of our competition but it won't be some cake walk and see someone run away with it. 100 wins probably won't be possible this year but it's more likely than a 100 lose season from any of us in the west.
  8. 1. Projections are conservative by nature. They'd rather look dumb by you over performing and not by saying you're a World Series lock and then don't do s***.

    2. We are better than a 75 win team. If you really think that, then you must be a real joy to be around.

    3. IMO, It should be obvious but other than LF, we have an obvious upgrade at almost every position. LF and 2B are the only 2 positions we don't currently have a potential All-star written in. 

    4. The Dodgers don't impress me at all and neither do the rest of the teams in the A.L. west.

    5. The off season isn't over yet. There's still players to be had and teams looking.


    The West certainly has become more balanced in these last few years but do any of these teams really scare any of you? No team is going to run away with it and win 100+ but a few will surprise. Many on here seem to think the we're either pushing ourselves off a cliff or up one. It seems like all of our question marks are scrutinized to the utmost by some and with no light on the horizon but the other teams are poised and ready to play, like yesterday. The Mariners replaced B level talent with just as questionable B level talent that they had. The Rangers have a squad but health is going to be an issue for them more than for most teams IMO. Houston had a real shot last year, especially after we gave it up to them and Texas at the end of the season. Houston didn't improve to me and Giles won't matter if their not winning by the 9th. The A's are going to be a tough out though and could win more games than they lose but won't no way do they compete this year. My team standings:


    1. Angels

    2. Rangers

    3. Astros

    4. A's

    5. Mariners

  9. The FO has gone through way to many philosophy changes in recent years to have a quality farm system. Our top prospects were good enough to land us Simmons, so they had some value but they could also be all hype. I mean how many "perfectly" built players never reach their potential? I'd trade a potential front end arm for a current TOP of the League SS, every day of the week. From what i can see, This franchise doesn't have a track record of making many losing trades. Only in this last decade has this team lost it's identity. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the Titanic. I think we just were lost at sea for awhile, if anything. Hopefully we've set up a solid foundation for the future and we can start showing some consistency throughout the entire organization. On a side note, is Dexter Fowler at 3yrs and $10MM per, with an opt-out, a worthy proposition?

  10. I feel like your nit-picking What I'm saying. I mean you're right, I probably should be more specific  in my messages but I also don't know why you would think that he would sign for $5MM a year? Fowler is going to be 30 and Andre is going to be 34, what about it? Dexter is in his prime and Andre is now out of his. You act like he's around Albert's age or something, while (at-most) he's ONLY 2 years older than your potential/mock age. I mean It's obvious that you still think that it's a big name player for Left Field or bust but we really don't. Dexter is the "game changer" we've been looking for and he'll cost a quarter of what the other Free Agents got. Compared to what this team has had for the past few seasons, an average Left Fielder will probably look like a borderline MVP candidate.

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