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Everything posted by ScottT

  1. Tee hee hee. The guy mentioned in the thread title and the post that was quoted, numbnuts.
  2. He lives baseball. It wouldn't be surprising though if he ultimately gets surgery before the season over.
  3. I agree if they have a capable CF... they do defensively, but Moniak is such a mess at the plate, he shouldn't be in there every day. Also, he hurt his hand swinging a bat.
  4. Rendon hates baseball so much he worked for many years to build his skills to such a high level that he could hit the ball off his knee when the time was right.
  5. I disagree. What nobody realistically assessed with these $700 million figures was the longevity of doing both. But if he is a DH. And maybe eventually an outfielder. What doesn't go away is the advertising revenue. Maybe i's not as much as it would have been, but it'll still be significant. The guy is still worth $400 million in this market and he wasn't getting $700 million.
  6. Did you hear then say he can't do more damage, that it's all about pain tolerance, etc? Don't use q-tips in your ears. That doesn't help you hear. Apologies if you are deaf.
  7. I really don't. I think he cares more about doing both, creating a legacy, and winning. The dude is gonna make, what, $65-70 million this year? I also don't think it's that big of a hit. As a hitter only. If he never pitched again. He'd get Trout/Judge money
  8. After two years of these mother fuckers yapping about Ohtani looking good in Pantene 346... I was at my local craft beer bar... when Minasian was taking questions after the game Ii went to take a photo of the TV and post something. Something in the sad realmm. The guy next to me simultaneously did the same. He saw me and said something about us both talking shit to our Angels fan friends. Yall different if you "talk shit" about your friends teams players getting hurt. Especially when they are two of the best we've ever seen on and off the field Fuck the Dodgers. Fuck Dodgers fans. Except the cool ones.
  9. It's wild that they may have filled three long term holes in a little over a year. Probably won't all work out how we want, but with Neto, O'hoppe, and maybe Schanuel.... makes Ohtani more affordable. I'm confident those three will provide good value short term. The problem with the Angels lately is they've had black holes.... not that they paid Rendon too much.
  10. I like this. Olerud was a hell of a player. First thing that comes to mind is the Rickey Henderson helmet story, but here's a fun fact... His father was drafted by the Angels in 1965.
  11. I don't understand this. What young players have they fucked up?
  12. Told you so. Guys with terrible walk and strikeout rates do not suceed long term. They may get a big contract, especially if they can play defense, but the offensive defencies will be exploited. Moniak's rates are worse than terrible. Not sure if he's chasing a ton, whiffing on pitches in the zone, or what, but something has to change or he's a part time player at best
  13. I'm still optimistic about his future. How many pitchers come up that quickly and are consistently good? Hitters, sure, but far fewer pitchers pull it off
  14. I wasn't sure about Brandon at first. Maybe it was the way he introduced me to the cocktail waitress at The District... a night that likely included Keith and Phil Shane. Hot damn! He grew on me and I ended up admiring him. I don't think he ever knew that, though. I'm not sure I did. Brandon was the catalyst for one of my favorite stories. A bunch of people from this message board made the trek to my area for 66ers opening night many years ago. Derek had qualified for at least a share of a jackpot at San Manuel earlier in the day. So, naturally, Brandon, Derek, James, and myself left in the middle of the game for the casino. "If I win this hand of blackjack, we're going to Vegas" said Brandon He was dealt a six. Dealer showed a ten. I don't remember the rest of the hand, but he won. Nobody seemed thrilled, but nobody said no. Nobody had a change of clothes, a toothbrush or anything. We rolled into Vegas at some absurd hour. 5am maybe? Ended up at a roulette table... picking numbers like 27, 15, 16, and 40. I had worked somewhere for more than ten years. Rarely missed a day and until then, always had a good reason. I had to call in sick after 7am. I went outside, made the call, and the woman the answered asked if it was windy where I was. Bye, I said. Fun fact that I didn't remember until last night. I didn't want to leave my car in the stadium lot. Instead of going home, I left it at my work a few blocks away. So, I called in while my car was at work. I had never done anything like that and never would have if it wasn't for Brandon. More good times are coming to mind,but this one is the most memorable for me. See you at Frankie's Tiki Room, Brandon.
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