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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. 135 hours later I finished. And amazingly I want to play more of it.
  2. It’s low hanging fruit. If politics is primarily a passive aggressive manner to troll others however, “but Hillary” still seems to be rather effective for this goal.
  3. Are we really going to summon a Craig for a story of an 8 year old dying?
  4. Mitt Romney. Donald Trump. Assuming that democracy survives this decade, how long until Lampert or someone like him runs? Apparently there is some similarity in opportunity between milking a business and country dry
  5. You keep arguing things I don’t disagree with. I’ll put it a different way. What is the difference Trump and Lampert?
  6. See how much worse he sounds when you don’t write him off as a hapless idiot?
  7. Is there a point in your angry rant besides agreeing with me?
  8. He probably never made more money than in his bankruptcies. Can we kill this stupid meme that those bankruptcies were idiotic? Instead point out how his parasitic, if rediculously profitable, business tactics are disgusting and evil? Companies like Sears are being devoured from the inside but maybe one percent of the population knows why. I would have thought the Bain Capital controversy with Mitt Romney would have been in people’s memories but I guess not.
  9. Believe me, you have no idea how much I want to be wrong these days.
  10. Didn't exactly do Vincent any favors.
  11. Though I must admit YK being the internet keyboard warrior is kind of adorable in its own weird way.
  12. If I'm helping you get all your old white guy anger out, assuming that's possible, you're welcome.
  13. You give California as an effective anecdote? You live in a town where every other truck has a confederate flag for a week and come back to me.
  14. Never stand between a old white guy and his God given right to be angry.
  15. Angry white guy going to angry white guy.
  16. The list of problems is long and the con-man in chief is number 1. But yes, you are on the list too. You are part of the problem. The administration has gone out of its way to piss off people. He needs people like you to act just like you are to consolidate his position. You think everything he has said and done has been an accident? Same shit every wannabe fascist regime try to pull. Nazi Germany. 1930s Japan. This record has been played repeatedly. These regimes run on fear and hatred and you are the fuel. The administration isn't being particularly subtle or novel. The man called himself a nationalist proudly. This whole attitude that nothing has really changed is bullshit. The opposition to the administration needs to be smarter. You think you are going to out-Trump Trump? Hate to generalize but most on the left just doesn't have it in them. The ardent followers on the right are. They've been groomed for decades. They are ready for blood. Is the left? But you know, angry white guy is going to angry white guy.
  17. Eh that's what I get for relying on a liberal social media post. And subconsciously I couldn't believe someone not currently unemployed could be that wrong twice.
  18. YK sounds like an angrier more belligerent white guy than Blarg. You know how fucking hard that is to do? Are we sure he isn't still a Republican and just a bit confused on who to be angry at since orange is the new black? The way he dodges arguments you'd sure think so.
  19. Don’t say I wasn’t polite and give a chance to amend your take. All many of us have been doing for the last two and half fucking years is try to convince “libs” the actual dangers of the criminal in the a White House. That burning bridges with the other side, with shit going down being so likely, is idiotic. When the future of this country becomes a numbers game that isn’t in the opposition’s favor. While trying extract “cons” from the decades worth of targeted propaganda from those elite who benefit from a divided lower class while dodging verbal arrows from the left. Just so 2030 doesn’t look like what every distopian film predicted. Everyday politics ceased on November 8th 2016. So feel free to throw away the sanctimonious take along with crap food you Texans call Tex-Mex.
  20. In the you're not helping department
  21. If you, as Trump, were trying to build up these people as a giant "threat", it'd be kind of inconvenient to have the court diminish the threat by ruling the other way. Much like how the right really didn't want ACA to be repealed and Roberts (Much like McCain later) stepped in to save it, they unlikely wanted the ruling to be overturned even if they had to publicly fight for it.
  22. I blame our social media director for lack of name recognition.
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