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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. There has never been a thread where this was more appropriate.
  2. That's what happens when you leave the junior guy in charge on NYE.
  3. Well that's a reassuring way to start the new year. No frightening parallels at all.
  4. Might as well combine the two at this point. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/hitler-and-his-drugs-inside-the-nazis-secret-speed-craze-113396/ Sound familiar?
  5. Maybe a heterosexual males chance to remain masculine?
  6. Just do what you always do. Remember that instead of being born either a minority and/or female, you were born a white dude in America.
  7. “Hey look I’m an kind of edgy forty-something with no moral identity. No seriously look at me! Hey... look at me!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!” - calscuf
  8. Notice where the fisherman is happy because he caught something. I mean I enjoy Lou's posts considerably. He just doesn't have the same luck in his angling attempts.
  9. When Blarg posts When Lou posts
  10. The fact that by this point you still point to me as having "a team" betrays more truth than any words I'm capable of.
  11. @Geoff I've been shocked going up for the hockey tournaments just how bad you guys drive in the snow. I guess I assumed the state would be better at it. They are as bad as the drivers are here.
  12. Sssh defective test model TB-0.02C
  13. Trumpbots, like Blarg and YK, are in an eternal struggle to determine who is the one and claim the prize. It's like a bad version of Highlander. Not Highlander 2 bad, but bad.
  14. Well as replies go this was...unexpected.
  15. You imply that they did this without being coerced, as most citizens were. As opposed to unconditional support. The analogy doesn't fit. That's what made this photo so important.
  16. All forms of Trumpbots are interesting. Isn't that right Trumpbot9001?
  17. Slightly less socially awkward and way less drunk.
  18. I see all the old white people, genetically predisposed to look for things to be irrationally angry about, are up this morning. Good luck on your daily endeavor on finding things to shake your fists at.
  19. /blinks silently for a few moments
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