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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. If only you had the ability to defend your position. But alas once a Republican drone, always a Republican drone.
  2. Mainstream Democrats. The slightly less bad cop of the good cop/bad cop that is American politics.
  3. That script writes itself! /Runs to wordstar machine
  4. That's oddly specific and descriptive. And yeah, Blarg has more than earned a bye on dick jokes. We're closer than not at being at the same place he is. Everything else of course still being fair game.
  5. It would certainly help if we thought of politics as trying to get our dicks sucked. If most here went about that like they do politics then they have some pretty dry junk.
  6. Case in point. But it's okay. Rome wasn't built in a day. And thankfully for our sake it wasn't destroyed in one either.
  7. It so obvious when you don't have a good response and have to dodge. So it's all about YK. Guess that makes you just like blarg. Except you should know better. Our world is going to burn and maybe we deserve it.
  8. Better to be your bitch than Trump's. But I'm sure in your head you are owning everyone. Are you at all interested in saving the world?
  9. Careful, the strings are showing.
  10. Doesn't matter what old white guys are angry about as long as they get to be angry. Even to the detriment of the world. Trump thanks you for being his puppet.
  11. Blarg's net has caught three so far today.
  12. What the Fall of the Roman Republic Can Teach Us About America https://nyti.ms/2RhKouy I generally loathe comparing our current state with the fall of the Roman empire as being lazy, the article at least is interesting enough I might check the book out. I disagree with Trump believing he is acting on the behalf of anyone but himself, but parallels are there.
  13. Even when I agree with the message involving children in these kind of political messaging upsets me.
  14. Speak about ringing endorsements.
  15. What is it about white people discovering things that have been there the whole time?
  16. I hope you don’t believe that you are the first to be trolled.
  17. It definitely qualifies as an answer.
  18. I should know better than to ask but um... why?
  19. Blarg is trolling you and it’s working!
  20. Somewhere @calscuf shuddered and experienced an unexplainable yet inescapable belief that his greatest chance in life just came and went.
  21. On the surface maybe. But in reality he’s trying to rile up both sides even more. The more instability he can generate, the better for him. The wall is one of his more successfully divisive clubs in his bag. Revs up his base and is utterly repugnant to his opposition.
  22. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think.
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