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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. I only upgraded because my 6s battery was starting to nosedive. Actually did impact my ability to work. Slightly.
  2. I have a 256GB Xs from work. (That I can't convince anyone I don't need, stupid leash) Thanks taxpayers.
  3. Actually no, not yet at least https://9to5mac.com/2018/09/18/apple-china-tariffs-iphone/
  4. Sure? https://www.scmp.com/tech/apps-social/article/2170649/apple-ceo-tim-cook-hints-popularity-new-lower-cost-iphone-xr-china
  5. Having a 100K net worth isn't exactly indicative of being able to afford a 1K+ phone, let alone the interest in having one. If earning 80K gets you into the top 1% in China https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/understanding-chinas-wealthy I think it's fair to say that 1K+ for the other 99% is going to hurt a bit. Or you know, all the articles that said it was going to happen. A few more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-apple-iphone-china/apple-x-factor-china-buyers-rapt-by-new-iphone-but-will-they-buy-idUSKBN1D14WB https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/interactive/2017/09/afford-iphone-170918130745146.html https://www.zdnet.com/article/apple-allocates-initial-two-thirds-of-iphone-xr-units-for-china-report/
  6. Considering they have to split a roughly equivalent GDP with that many more people, no. Also owning debt is just that. Owning debt. You can’t spend debt. And if Americans are having trouble convincing themselves that a Xs or Xr isn’t worth upgrading from a 7 or 8, I don’t see anyone else doing so.
  7. But that’s my point. The SE wasn’t over a grand, right? As the cost of these premium models goes up, something is going to break. Also this couldn’t have helped https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/10/apple-files-appeal-to-overturn-iphone-sales-ban-in-china.html And this drop had been expected by analysts even prior to the administration. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphjennings/2018/02/25/why-apple-despite-the-iphone-x-will-lose-china-market-share-in-2018/#b203b8e462ef It’s not that the trade war is great, it’s just that this sounds like classic Cook spin.
  8. Exactly how popular is an American phone that retails for over a grand US going to be in China? Given their poverty rate, that’s niche on top of niche.
  9. Sure but more often than not those traits are rewarded in a capitalistic economy. Especially if you are the right combination of demographics.
  10. Well I’m sure we’ll end up being screwed by that dick while breathing in that fresh coal enriched air soon enough.
  11. Oh, you still believe in Santa Mueller?
  12. Romney’s criticism of Trump was a wife saying all the great things her husband does, but wishes her husband didn’t have such a tremendous dick that could bring any woman to levels of ecstasy before unknown.
  13. The administration antagonizes the left with deeply personal verbal attacks and policy decisions. Those opposed to Trump get upset because of these actions. And because it’s so easy to get irrationally upset at him. The easiest attack against the left then is to poke fun at this emotional state. Make it a meme. What a great world we live in. Just now, Crampknees said: Why do the MAGA's continue to show women crying over Hillary. Convene a grand jury, indict her, convict her and stick a needle in her arm. HE WON, GET OVER HER! I know exactly why you do it. You voted for a clueless con who has now committed treason and need to deflect. Poor things.
  14. $2500, mostly from dues. I’ll accept that it’s quite possible that the NRA is funneling money for the right. But um... this is Republican level of faux-outrage. This is a laughable distraction from actual shit going down.
  15. No he isn’t. We don’t get to say we are part of that.
  16. Mitt didn’t say that. He quite praised Trump on his accomplishments. The things his base cares about. His criticisms were minimal and essentially that he should be nicer. It was an interesting piece of propaganda.
  17. Mitt really took him to the woodshed. /eyeroll
  18. You can be a billionaire AND a rampant criminal, right?
  19. Your post is rather contradictory don’t you think?
  20. Didn’t know Trump was black. But yeah, his skills are especially useful in the hood. Being able to take advantage of other people without guilt goes a long way.
  21. Your reply is as insightful as...well every other of your posts. I see why you like to bash Trump.
  22. Dude would have been successful regardless of his start more than likely. The traits that make him a terrible person are also conducive to making a disproportionate amount of wealth.
  23. Wait, you actually believe him? Dude is running a disinformation campaign by lying about everything and you are trying to normalize his behavior? Um...thanks?
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