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Everything posted by 1nutkruk

  1. I have honestly never heard of this movie.
  2. Uh? I love the comments though.
  3. Need to ban spatulas. They are dangerous. I once flipped a pancake right into my face. I never used a spatula after that.
  4. I bet they got them at a pressure cooker conference.
  5. I am shocked CNN didn't break this news a week ago.
  6. Just watched Django and I thought it was great. Tarantino looked like he put on a few lbs for his role in it.
  7. Richie Havens just passed away. That is two today.
  8. Awesome. I couldn't list E.T. Can't stand that movie. I also forgot about the first Poltergeist. Great movie.
  9. 1. Jaws 2. Saving Ryan's privates 3. Raiders of the Lost Ark 4. Close Encounters 5. Schindler's List
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