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Everything posted by AngelFanInTheATL

  1. Is he dying of cancer? Is he about to get evicted? Outside of that, why would I feel bad for a millionaire because his baseball team is losing games?
  2. Feel bad for Washington? He's made millions in baseball and if he couldn't see what was on the roster when he took the job, that's his fault. I like Wash, too. But he's been in baseball long enough to know the deal.
  3. LOL at the first page of this thread. These are the posters we're supposed to take seriously for their baseball knowledge?
  4. "I Believe" is an underrated REM song.
  5. It's a message board. Team had Ohtani and Trout for six seasons and didn't make the playoffs once. What's to be happy about? We can't all be like you, blowing smoke up Arte's arse for years in hopes that he finally hires you.
  6. It's a takeoff on a famous meme about eating beans in the theater. Thankfully, the reddit user used the "a" word instead of the "n" word from the original.
  7. 26 pages for something that was never going to happen. Just a bunch of fake alpha dudes who want to sign a guy because "it would piss off the woke media". What a fanbase.
  8. Yeah that microscope really affected the Chiefs. 10-2 with her in attendance or something like that. If players can't "perform" because of a celebrity player in the dugout, then maybe we're in bigger trouble than we thought.
  9. Chuck, it took your 11th post of this thread to give a baseball-related reason for wanting Bauer. In fact, you didn't give a baseball-related reason until after I called you out for posting Fox News propaganda. Before my post, your reasons were : 1) make the Dodgers mad, 2) the woman is a liar, 3) Fox News Fox News Fox News. I'm not against people getting second chances. It's one of the things that makes our country the best one. I just suggested you should be honest about why you want him: and that is to make him the new conservative hero and an "F U" to those who cracked down on unwanted sexual harrassment/antics. And that's within your rights to do so. Just be honest about it. Oh, and trying to argue about conservatives being in the minority on TWITTER? Trump/Musk bros are basically the same crowd. I don't know of many liberals dumb enough to pay $8 to a billionaire to use a free app.
  10. It's clear that a majority of people on this board want Bauer signed not because they think he can actually help the team win, but because he's the latest Fox News cause celebre. "Hey, we love our sex pests and we're pissed that we're no longer allowed to sexually harass women in the workplace because of woke liberals, so let's get our revenge." Ten pages on a guy who hasn't pitched in the big leagues in almost three years.
  11. The Gole guy who is commenting on this reel seems like a lot of posters here. Wants Bauer signed as some sort of crusade against cancel culture and the vaccine. Baseball has nothing to do with it.
  12. Blarg just wanted everyone to know that's he rich enough to buy an SLK, and this was his way of doing it.
  13. You answered your own question. If you weren't too lazy to read things longer than 80 characters, you'd find out the answers to your questions.
  14. Should be Acuna. Nerds pushing stuff like WAR cracks me up. Watch the games. Betts is more "white-friendly" to the writers, who are mostly white and in their 50s and 60s. Acuna will be penalized for his swagger. The out-of-touch writers don't like that. So virgins who spend their Friday nights calculating WAR and the writers who don't like non-American players and their swagger will penalize Acuna. It's why the players and managers should vote for MVP.
  15. At the beginning of the season, "those people" picked us to miss the playoffs. A majority here on this board said we'd win 90-94 games. I'll go with "those people" over the people here.
  16. If you don't have depth, then no, the pieces are not there.
  17. Imagine saying "Curt Schilling got it right" about anything. This guy said the Parkland shooting was fake, said 9/11 was an inside job and is a total Qanon guy.
  18. But the Nevin/Minasian defenders told me our season was bad because of injuries and we're the most cursed/snakebit team (because of injuries) in history.
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