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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Sure. Why the hell not? Not common for an incumbent as you know but I'm good if people criticize him for not doing it.
  2. Agreed and the few clips I saw, I heard the boos for anyone that gave a slight to Trump. So it seems like all this is pointless. Having said that, he has challengers and they still held the debate, he should have shown up.
  3. Someone running for the Republican ticket should show up to a debate in my opinion. I know you didn't mean it like this but how many views you get on a twitter/x video has nothing to do with showing up for a debate. Plus that interview was pre recorded which means he wasn't doing the interview at the same time as the debate. Face your challengers. Let's not forget many people, including some on this message board accused Biden in 2019 and 2020 of hiding in his basement. Let's be consistent. Trump should have shown up. Also views can be someone watching a video over and over again, not to mention some of those views doesn't automatically mean they are supporters or citizens of this country that can vote. Trump might get the Republican nomination, who knows. It shouldn't shock us if he did. But I just can't fathom why the Republicans are going to go with him again. Just the baggage itself should give one pause.
  4. Or they just don't belong to a personality cult. Just spit balling.
  5. Oh the irony of this post. Having said that, nothing I said was untrue.
  6. Nah he’s still a pussy. And let’s not pretend Trump isn’t part of the establishment. Hanging out with the Clinton’s in the 90’s or going to White House correspondence dinners. Somehow Trump convinced people he was an outsider when it was just the opposite.
  7. The only wild card I see if this is all legitimate and true is Wagner. How do they feel about this and what do they do now? Should be interesting to see it play out.
  8. Did he really think he was going to live long term? He started the revolt, he should have seen it to the bitter end. His game plan made as much sense as the last ten years of Angels baseball.
  9. Good to know. I had outdated information from 2015 but looks like he broke down and revealed it back in 2016. Anyways back on topic. Joe Biden is really old and should retire before he continues embarrassing himself but my guess is we're in for another Biden vs. Trump. Hell yeah!
  10. Well hopefully Trump is willing to share his favorite bible verse then and doesn't render it too personal to share.
  11. I don't know enough about this because I don't have student debt. I'll take your word for it. I forgot to answer your other question but I hate that PPP loans were forgiven and not paid back. It's a crime in my opinion but from what I understand, that is what was negotiated. Really fucking dumb though. But so were all three stimulus bills and Trump getting rid of the watchdog over it just compounded a bad situation.
  12. Taylor as an 18 year old, of course not but that's due to the fact of being a dumb 18 year old without a fully developed brain. But as a 38 year old, I realize I was responsible for my own choices and actions and am not looking for someone to take on that responsibility or consequences. I get it, loans can be burdensome and not everyone's situation is the same. I didn't have any because my parents saved while I was growing up and I am doing the same for my three boys, if they choose to go to college. But others might not have that type of situation so they choose to go the loan route. But if you borrow anything in life, it is your responsibility to pay it back. It was awesome when I paid off my car loan a few years ago (and I did so early by throwing extra principle each month thus saving any unnecessary interest) and I look forward to doing the same with my home. I know a few years ago you moved back to California from Colorado and for what reason, I don't know. And that's fine. But I think it just added a much more substantial financial burden on you. It probably doesn't help you reach what goals you have any faster (I've been out of the loop for almost two years so I might be outdated on your situation). Again, I'm always willing to listen to others and potentially find a compromise which is why I mentioned the only thing I would compromise on which is canceling any interest one might have left and just focus on the principle.
  13. What happened to if you borrow it, you pay it back? The most I would be willing to budge on this if just canceling any interest left on the loan and just pay back the principle at this point. Oh and get government out of the student loan business.
  14. I wish Branco would call Trump a pussy for not showing up to the debate but when you're a cuck for Trump, it makes sense why you wouldn't do it.
  15. They refused the no trade clause though, right? I thought that was the hang up.
  16. Is it really worth bragging about when he’s just nailing his cousins? Or….
  17. I thought the abbreviation was Cmdr.
  18. I thought you guys didn’t want the government to help. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” I thought were the scariest words one could hear. Hopefully they have insurance and I’m sure the Feds will do their part. Whether they do it well or efficient is another matter.
  19. Well I think my state and others will keep on doing it. And I am glad we have the backing of this guy to do so. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/09/trump-votes-by-mail-again-despite-months-of-voter-fraud-claims/?sh=375dbbfe52da
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