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Everything posted by juansavage1

  1. Some people thought fighting communism was worth it. Ask South Koreans if they thought the Americans shouldn't have involved themselves in their civil war. But, we can settle this pretty quickly. Who did your lefty college friends and professors think was worse, Pinochet or Castro?
  2. So what if they're black? They could have voted him out at the primary or voted for a black Republican if they had to vote with their race.
  3. In what way? Do you think most leftists regret losing Vietnam to the communists? You know that the South's faith could have been averted by supporting the South.
  4. Another general trick is to make sure you're both arguing for the best way to a common goal. For example, Vietnam. Most leftists were very happy to abandon Vietnam to the communists because they hated conservatives and the US more than they hated communists, if they didn't outright support communists. So, what's to argue? It's like Iraq. Do you think most liberals give a rat's behind that ISIS is running wild, beheading Christians and raping women? No, they see it as a repudiation of Bush, their real enemy.
  5. I'm pointing out some tricks of the trade for people who don't have experience talking to progressive people. I've argued with friends about military versus education spending and they do things like only including federal spending, excluding private spending on education, or including retirement expenses for one and not the other. General tips include: First, fight through the insults and charges of racism, sexism, or not caring. Second, argue apples and apples. Third, decide whether you're arguing the principle or that they don't want this group to win. Once you know the game, it's easy.
  6. My goal with that statement isn't to insult anybody- it's to save time. I have a simple test: If the other side did what your side is being accused of and you're defending, would you attack them? If the answer is "yes," then it's a pointless partisan discussion. Are you liberals saying that Valerie Plame was a bigger deal than what Hillary Clinton is doing? It might be true of Republicans, but IMH experience 2015 US liberals only care about a politician's positions when it's the primary and only about defeating the other side in the general. They don't care about lying, stealing, or cheating.
  7. It would be fair if you include teacher retirement and medical as education expenses.
  8. As for military spending, the difference is mostly soldier pay. Also, be careful with some statistics. Leftist sites like to include retirement, VA, and other related expenses.
  9. I don't know if you guys know about how social sciences work, but the trick is to find correlations. For example, political affiliation and church attendance. Grades and IQ, family status, or income. In education, among the highest correlation is ethnic group (I'm Hispanic, for full disclosure). If you look at the overall numbers in CA, education seems pretty bad, but if you divide by ethnicity, it's not. After all, Irvine is under the same state regulations as Watts and the teachers get paid about the same. The "decline" in CA education is almost all a demographic shift.
  10. DC is 75% Dem and about 5% Republican. Do you think the Republicans put the DC mayor in office?
  11. I wouldn't waste time talking to Dems. There's nothing a Democrat can do to lose their vote. They re-elected a mayor after the mayor got caught smoking crack.
  12. If you account for demographics, US education is about the same. That is, Chinese students do as well here as in China, Mexicans about as well as in Mexico. Scores in Minnesota about as good as in Sweden.
  13. OK. What's the difference between A-hole and douche?
  14. Alienware 13 Review: The First Futureproof Gaming Laptop http://t.co/sK6Zs0d23G

  15. Boston announcers such. Them and Karras are the only time I turn down the sound.
  16. Another thing to notice is that the problem isn't with blacks as a race since almost all Latin players are black Latins.
  17. RT @MeninistTweet: I might deactivate after watching this https://t.co/sOGwQSddGH

  18. In my opinion, the MLB should cater to me, middle aged Hispanics who prefer sportsmanship "codes" and tradition. Also, a lot of activities that benefit from paternal involvement are declining like Church, Boy Scouts, etc.
  19. Left leaning organizations with 90+% white audience: NPR Broadway Womens studies and other political college majors. Arty/edgy/lefty movies.
  20. Yes. To this day, I assault dudes wearing Royals gear on sight.
  21. This is normally the case with sports and tribalism can have negative consequences, like WWI. However, some things are intrinsically evil and not just an accident of birth or arbitrary choosing of sides. If somebody hoped that Jeffrey Dahmer were rotting in hell, you wouldn't say that it was merely because that person hated German-Americans. You'd assume that it was based on Dahmer's crimes against humanity. It's much the same with the Ass.
  22. I went to an Ass forum recently where they referred to us as "Analslime," a vulgar play on the fine American city of Anaheim. I felt offended and angry. I now revel in their failure and wretchedness.
  23. For Angels upcoming series against the A's (whom I hate. I know it's bad to hate, but it just overcomes my better nature), I'm trying to find where a noble nation fights the most wretched hive of filth imaginable. The horse dudes from LOTR versus Mordor?
  24. I think a Giants-Yankees WS would have been like Hitler-Stalin in WWII- either winning would have been bad and decent people around the world just have wanted them each to get bloodied. Dodgers-Angels is like Pershing going after Pancho Villa- a decent, civilizing force against a group of idealistic bandits and thugs.
  25. The Ibanes and Mathis post and this gave me the most mirth this week. Thanks guys.
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