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Everything posted by NachoPop

  1. If only Calhoun wasn't so short he might've made it
  2. Love seeing Trout steal. Makes him so much more dangerous
  3. He can hit and is good behind the plate. Unfortunately he seems to have forgetten how to do these things in the offseson
  4. Yeah i hope he stays up all year. Will be interesting to see what they do if some of the others get healthy again. Trop and Skaggs can still be sent down right? What about Chacin?
  5. I like this tactic. Why wait for more of our pitchers to end up on the DL when we can just sign NEW pitchers that go straight on the DL
  6. I was too. Although the more consistent at bats can only help Perez sort himself out i guess
  7. This is just getting ridiculous now. Who's your money on for next injured player? Pujols?
  8. Well I've been having a lousy day so far so I'm feeling positive and this game is going to turn it around for me.
  9. Hes both a lefty and can pitch more than one inning at a time. He's not going anywhere out of necessity
  10. Ever with that no doubter from Carter, he was still out of the box far quicker than Albert was
  11. Could always DH Nava for a few games to ease him into it. Not like anyone else is claimimg that spot
  12. Oretga doing well so far but all singles. Thats not so much of a bad thing when he has Trout up next to knock him in though
  13. That's why he's always trying for the long ball, dont have to run as fast
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