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Everything posted by stormngt

  1. I am a fan of Conger and he has had a good spring with his bat. Too bad he is a catcher. When the media constantly bashes on how bad you are behind the plate than you have issues.
  2. If he bats that well he should be an all star!
  3. I am a big PB fan, but I do think some of the predictions are a little unrealistic. I will be excited if PB hist 270, let alone 280 or 290 as some suggest.
  4. In the midst of all the hate....I loved the guy....LOL
  5. I like his attitude as well! Go is obviously a winner, now lets hope he is healthy so he can compete.
  6. I am excited about PB performance this year, but I am being cautiious. After all its only spring break. I do believe if given the opportunity to play through slumps like all regulars go through 260+ BA will be a definite mark. Add his defense to that numbers and he is a valuable player.
  7. I would prefer Aybar batting second..... ooops wrong thread!
  8. I hate the bashing for the fun of it. Let's be realistic, Conger has had his chances. He had a chance to stick in the majors 2011, he had his chance last year, and the back up catching duties is his to lose this year. Please do not say it is Scioscia's fault if the kid blows his opportunities!
  9. Also I find it very cute that you think that whites are not stopped without probably cause any less than minorities. They are, its just they do not have the race card to fall back on! Finally, my post was to define what the law says. The Arizona law is just as racist as the California one. Because both allow the police to pull over people upon probably cause. Both require proof of identification, their resident (which is on their identification) and proof of ownership of their cars (their registrations). The law does not allow the police to pull over minorities any more than they do whites. If the police pull over minorities without probably cause it would not be due to this law.
  10. This is where so many people try to make it racist where it isn't. The law only saws that upon a legal stop (there must be probable cause that a crime has been committed to even have the stop) that the officer can ask for prove of residents. The drivers license is proof of residents. Arizona doesn't do anything more than California or Nevada does except that when they do stop someone who is here illegally they can turn the person over the ICE.
  11. Jeter? AROD before moving the the Yanks.....Tejada? not sure how his fielding was. should I get adventurous and say Dick Schoefield?
  12. Not that i have a problem with your argument of having Callaspo bat 2nd, but is it really good logic to discount Aybar because he is 0-5 for one game?
  13. my grandparents were immigrants, but they came to this country legally. Can I ask you what in the terms "illegal" immigrant that is so hard to understand?
  14. Do not water board, that is inhuman and beneath america! Bomb them with a drone instead!
  15. I got news for you! If am pulled over by the police as "white guy" I have to give my drivers licence to the cop...thus telling him my legal resident. I have to give him my registration thus proving I own the car. Serg was treated like everyone else, doesn't like it so he uses racism to get everyone's sympathy.
  16. He probably was being treated like the average white guy, but didn't like it and used racism as an excuse!
  17. That is a bunch of crap! Let me answer those questions for you: What is your citizenship: I gave you my liscence like everyone does on a traffic stop. That should answer the question if I am here legally or not! Is this your car? Yes, I gave you my registration like everyone does on a traffice stop. What do you do for a living? UH none of your business...that is a private matter not a law enforcement matter! I don't believe that scenario at ALL!
  18. I don't think War is nonsense, but I would agree if people would say it maybe over-rated. There are definitely flaws with it. One is of which Ryan discussed....this so called replacement player has no statistical measurement. However, War is probably the only statitistic that takes into account both offense and defense when measuring a player. And defense is just as important as offense. As for Cabrera being a more valuable player than Trout because "Tigers don't have many quality hitters", well I don't know about that. The Angels offense was pretty anemic when he came to the the club.
  19. Or maybe the A's are able to find sleepers is because last year was the first time in what? eight that they made the playoffs and that they had good draft picks. Plus, if they are not in first place by all star break they trade all their good players for more prospects. Over time, all those prospects will turn into decent players.
  20. It was a great read, but the answer to much simpler than that. One, your are right, Torii signed with Detroit before we lost out on Grienke and the Angels were saving the budget for Grienke. Two, you don't need to have a phd in advanced sabermetrics to see that Hamilton is a better and younger player than Torii. The only issue is if Hamilton was twice the worth Torii as that is how much more we are paying him and for a longer period of time.
  21. Are you suggesting that the average chance of getting a hit is 300? Hell are everyone all stars?
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