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Everything posted by Jason

  1. We all feel really bad for you and we humbly apologize for our selfishness
  2. Lol at Riverside Sheriff calling Newsom out on his hypocrisy
  3. And it wasn’t me this time. Yes!!
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/02/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-plans-to-move-to-texas-friends-and-associates-say.html
  5. Doesn’t matter. He’ll win with 65+% of the vote because he it’s California
  6. Then why are we pulling troops?
  7. I’m fairly certain oil can be found in a lot of places
  8. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-counterterrorism-east-africa-africa-somalia-64eb33d761c52c3813e89f3368755834
  9. Who knows? I guess it’s similar to how many times during the normal flu season we are exposed to it but our body’s immune system fights it off. It seems rather difficult to avoid it at this point
  10. So many damn people that have tested positive
  11. I think the timing of this bill is off as these turds need to focus on the pandemic at this time
  12. Maybe as most Americans would support decriminalizing it
  13. Yeah, you could buy your weed right next to the beer cooler
  14. I firmly believe that most of us here have been exposed to it by now
  15. I’ve been known to “light up” a room
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