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Everything posted by Jason

  1. The Delilah one almost got me. I figured it was a lot and I knew it was the Philistines for sure.
  2. Not if it brings the California economy to halt because the state is on the hook for the majority of it.
  3. In California the Correctional Officer's union is just as bad or worse. All those COs with the 3% @50 is going to wreck this economy further. I mentioned the teacher's because of the $64 Billion issue that was just announced.
  4. It should be another interesting April
  5. Trout, Bourjos, Hamilton, Trumbo and Calhoun as a reserve. Not too bad
  6. He looks like a shell of his old self.
  7. Trumbo, Trout, hamilton, Borjous, Clahoun??
  8. DR is right that it will be nice just to move on from this.
  9. The Halos will put up the runs today.
  10. Hence the reason congress gets nothing done. Most people are too set in their ways to look at other parties.
  11. Not what I said. Unions are never happy and make unreasonable demands. Just look at the California teacher's retirement system being $64 billion in the hole. Unions have politicians by the short and curlies.
  12. If Aybar can manage to remain focused all the time he should be a perennial gold glover each year.
  13. Very disappointed in Maronde this spring. Last year he looked like the Angels may have a solid reliever.
  14. But then the stupid unions will rear their ugly heads and make it unprofitable to hire more American workers.
  15. The funny thing is that the voters knew this would happen and still re-elected him.
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