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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. I would have never known it was Trans Day until everyone got so ratcheted over it.
  2. DONATE NOW and it will come back up.
  3. Large print and red letter edition, very rare. Everyone says that's the best. Excellent investment.
  4. You must bring it to the next AW gathering and charge us to touch it.
  5. Yes Larry do look him up. You two could do Civil War reenactments together and practice for the big CWII coming up.
  6. He won the Senior Masters there this week even though it doesn't exist, and still has that par 3 thing before he puts on the green jacket. It will go well with his 8 Emmy's.
  7. This is beautiful. Selling bibles while sweeping every event at his club championship. He is a God.
  8. They will soon know everything they want to be told about Christ in the new bible. Everybody says it is the best bible ever, trust me, everyone knows it. It's a beautiful thing and I give myself an A+ in it. Nobody has ever seen a bible like this, nobody, and I got Mexico to pay for it. I was persecuted for you in my bible, for just a small cost with shipping and handling. Enjoy.
  9. Did you make that up all by yourself or did you get help when you had to edit it?
  10. I didn't think about the visibility issues when I started this project.
  11. My toilet and walls are gold plated.
  12. Praise be, our prayers have been answered. I still need to take your money so y'all keep it coming while I appeal this.
  13. Think I'll get high and go see a biker movie today.
  14. I need @Lhaloto translate the lyrics for me.
  15. My chickens are free range protected by my dogs who happen to be second amendment supporters.
  16. I was at Tractor Supply the other day getting a gun rack and snake boots and knew there was something I was forgetting.
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