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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. I already said Bubba Gump was a good American name, you just hall monitored instead of reading.
  2. Just noticed the puppy I got dads name was Tucker. He chewed up a shoe and blamed the radical left.
  3. I can only list the non-American names Alexander, Vladimir, Tucker and Larry.
  4. I did one of those google AI things and all I got was Blarg
  5. Stealing the vote. With our money. Shows how stupid MAGA's are. Let's take info from a guy named Alexander Smirnov. Sounds as American as Bubba Gump.
  6. So is cals really on visuals only and no audio. Someone tell cals his microphone is on mute.
  7. Do I need to explain to you how these political ads work from state to state? In Texas just flip flop the parties and ya, what you said. Geez. They are still coming to take your guns here. I was thinking, I was a young man when SOCIALISM was the big scare and it still is popular. All the fucks yelling socialism is coming have made millions and millions and millions telling you socialism is coming. They don't live in the socialist society but convince you it's coming to get you, while making record profits. I have made more money during a Dem administration so socialism seems to work fine for me, even though it never got here as they claim. I made a shit load in the market under Biden compared to when The Jesus was in there. Only he can fix it, amirite?
  8. Does it look like an ice cream cone?
  9. I already have a stalker thank you named KC. He has more of the attributes I look for in a stalker. That oakey smell of a fresh batch of shine, the scars from surviving another still explosion and that look where you wonder if that is a tooth left. While you are ok, you are a little too establishment elitist for me. Thanks for caring.
  10. I'm all for Biden dropping out also, someone on Bill Maher said it isn't too late and I Amen'd to that. The Dems never prepared for that possibility though.
  11. Problem is the GOP and being conservatives are a thing of the past. It is MAGA or you are a libtard or RINO at best. The party runs on being conservative still but it really is about kissing the ring. I lean toward the side that doesn't kiss the ring so get told I am not a conservative because of it. Many times I am told I live in a bubble but my answer is I just don't want to live in your bubble.
  12. Hopefully it's good news for Cult member infants.
  13. Why are you wasting so much time on me and not helping Larry with his refute? You are leaving him hanging.
  14. I have never been concerned with Oscar ratings.
  15. My cock will host the Oscars before I ever click on that shit and listen to it.
  16. Jason is ok, he's just Cliff Clavin on Jeopardy.
  17. You need your ass beat for making people think about their MIL's pussy. Plus MIL sounds too close to MILF. You crossed the line.
  18. Not sure what the shoes have to do with guns except the shoes could be gangsta in a fat white boy way. Not your dad of course, talking about Blarg.
  19. You really have no clue what you are talking about.
  20. Did he get a pair? If they were $39.99 I may have done it for the novelty of it.
  21. Some bottle blond hair dye, spray tan and a pair of those new Trump sneakers and you are set for Drag Queen Story Hour.
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