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Everything posted by LAAMike

  1. People still vote with their wallets. The Democratic proposals are all crazy expensive and will be rejected by the voters. By the way, AngelsWin posters should become a little more culturally attuned and stop using the term "retard" as it is offensive to the intellectually disabled community.
  2. I bothered to look it up and $2000 for tuition in 1962 (when I started college - yes I am older that dirt) is equal to $16,960 in today's dollars and I am sure that room and board and books, etc. have gone up in a similar manner. I understand that the cost of college has outpaced inflation but I think that guaranteed student loans have had a large hand in that. I do agree that there are too many attending college today and this glut of college graduates has made a college degree the new norm for getting a job that could have been met with a high school diploma back then.
  3. $2,000 per year 45 years ago when you adjust for inflation is still a pretty big number.
  4. Disneyland - too dangerous for me. I might get involved in a family feud with some women with rather large posteriors that would likely kick my skinny ass.
  5. I am amazed that people are returning the cash that they picked up on the freeway in Atlanta when the rear door of an armored truck flew open. The police claim that they have the license plate #'s of those folks that pulled over to grab some cash so I guess I understand why you would return some cash for fear of being charged (with what is a whole other question) but why would you return it all unless you were just an honest soul?
  6. Tdawg87 - no sense holding back, let us know how you feel.
  7. Obviously this question does not lend itself to "one size fits all" solutions. There are too many variables - are you at home, at work, at Angel Stadium, where a community pool isn't convenient or in an immigrant detention facility where the toilets might have to multitask. If you are at home, you cannot go wrong with my routine - I wipe firmly three times and then I use my wife's Water Pik. Works every time.
  8. The latter is probably a little tricky unless your work has single occupant restrooms. I do not think that I would try that option at Angel Stadium.
  9. This question should be sent to MSNBC as it would be a great debate question. It should probably be one of those "show of hands" questions so the candidates cannot weasel their way out later (unless you are Kamala Harris).
  10. No argument that small to medium businesses are the biggest creator of jobs but where does the capital come from for these companies to start and grow - there will be very little of this capital available if the economy is suffering. With your viewpoint, which candidate(s) do you think has/have the best ideas for turning things around? I still think that capital inequality represents freedom of opportunities and equality would only be the result of oppression. There all always going to be winners and losers. I think that the housing bubble will not last and we are already seeing the greatest growth in wage gains in the low wage area. The middle class that depended on good paying factory jobs are toast. The new middle class, with decent wages and benefits, are government workers.
  11. The stock market reflects the perceived future growth of corporation's earnings. If the corporations are not growing and prospering, who will supply the jobs? If jobs are grossly underpaid relative to the cost of living, then I think a possible cause is the high cost of living, led by housing prices, high taxes and high medical expenses. With the logistics becoming less expensive, we are forced to compete for jobs in a global economy. 80% of the jobs paying $20.00/ hour will be replaced by AI or robots by 2034. Expecting to have a full time job is probably going to be unrealistic. What's wrong with several part time jobs that add up to 40 hours or more? The gig economy is probably the future for most of us and I think that it will be more satisfying working for yourself or in a small company.
  12. A stronger market implies the stock market. A strong economy helps in reaching the lowest unemployment levels in forty years. I know that trickle down economics has not worked that great but think for a minute what the job market would be if the economy was in the toilet.
  13. You do not have to have a stock portfolio to be affected by the economy. All pensions, all IRA's, all 401-k's, Social Security and all businesses that might be your employer are affected by the health of the economy.
  14. My early pick of Kamala Harris is looking pretty good now. I do not know how giving free medical care to 11-20 M illegal immigrants is going to fly when there are at least 20-30 M legal Americans that are not insured or cannot afford their premiums. The three trillion budget for Medicare For All just became more expensive. Even as objectionable as Trump can be, giving him the economy, immigration, gun control, socialism, late term abortions, losing your existing health care plan and far left unaffordable health care plans to run on will prove too be insurmountable for any Democrat.
  15. What does a guy named "squiddy" even look like?
  16. Drug Lords and guys that have f***cked drug lord's wife's are a little bit out of my normal social circle. I guess I need to get around more.
  17. I guess you cannot even sit next to a guy that fucked a drug lord's wife. I will add this to my list of things to be avoided.
  18. You have gotta love the aka's for the bunch that is now being accused of shooting the wrong guy. The aka's include: Sandy, Squiddy, The Chinaman, Rubirosa, Kid, The Package, Papi, Bone, The Venezuelan or Red and the aptly named The Surgeon. Try linking up their various aka's with their mugshots. Good luck. When I get shot I hope the group is half as colorful although it will probably be someone using the aka "My Wife".
  19. Where are the kudos for Shoemaker who got his third win today at the Red Sox home opener?
  20. I believe that the IRS audits both the President's and the VP's tax return every year they are in office. In any case 2017 and 2018 are the only years that should be considered as the President was a private citizen before that. 2018 has not been filed yet and is likely to be filed on October 15 (after the extension) and again will automatically be audited. If the 2017 audit has been resolved and released, there are very few folks that will be able to understand it and Congress will surely leak those parts that are most inflammatory and that cannot be understood out of context.
  21. I see that the list of Democratic 2020 contenders that would sign a bill to study and consider reparations has grown fairly lengthy - Buttiege, Klobuchar, Warren, Castro, Harris, Sanders. and Beto. Sharpton has done a good job of getting them all on record at his NAN conference.
  22. More chalks on Sunday. East and West are 1,2,3 and 4. South is 1,2,3 and 12. Midwest is 1,2,3 and 5. Oregon is the only real underdog left. With only two losses in the sweet 16, I have 530 points.
  23. Saturday brought out the favorites. Even my card had seven of eight as the chalks prevailed.
  24. Quite a performance by Murray State. They are one of my two losses on opening day - hardly any upsets.
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