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Everything posted by LAAMike

  1. The MLPA does not get to review supplements to the basic contract. They can only challenge these extra items if they feel that they violate the JDA. The JDA does not address alcohol.
  2. There are at least two things that we do not and probably will not ever know: 1) Did Hamilton fail a drug test? 2) Is there some language in the Hamilton contract that gives the Angels a possible out (Arte's 2012 comments suggests that there is no such language but his comments last week contradict those comments)? With the above caveat in mind, supplemental conditions (known as "special covenants") can be added to a contract as long as the player and the team agree and the Commissioner approves this contract. The MLPA does not have to sign off on any "special covenants" but can challenge such "special covenants" if they feel that the enforcement of these provisions would violate the CBA. However it appears that the issue at hand involves drugs and alcohol and if there were "special covenants" covering alcohol in the contract then they might be enforceable as the JDA does not cover alcohol. Secondly according to the language of Section 7.M of the JDA, you cannot discipline a player for violations of the JDA but the arbitrator ruled that "Josh Hamilton had not violated his drug treatment program" so making his contract non guaranteed might be an avenue that the Angels could pursue. Again, as I said in the beginning, there is too much that we do not know.
  3. Whatever happened to the player that on May 8, 2012 went 5 for 5 with 4 HR's and a double getting 8 RBI's and 4R?
  4. I hope that Arte was talking after getting advice from his attorneys, not just firing from the hip.
  5. Derek Holland, Shin-Soo Choo and Ryan Rua all exited the Ranger's home opener with injuries today. Holland's injury looks the most serious.
  6. Iwakuma pitching third is a lefty righty thing as he is their #2.
  7. Enrigue is the infielder acquired from Miami along with Heaney for Dee Gordon. He will be sent down along with Barney. I still think that the Angels should try and trade for him as he can play the infield and the outfield and has some pop.
  8. Good baseball stuff but all this defensive metrics means squat to Fantasy Folks.
  9. I do not think that the DiPoto statement was just put together on the fly. I am sure that the organization put a lot of thought and time into the statement. I believe that it does reflect the feelings of Arte Moreno who after all is the owner and he likely feels that Josh has totally not met the commitments that were made when his contract was put together.
  10. Good pitch count by Shoe - 82 through six innings. He throws a lot of strikes.
  11. I imagine that description was painfully close for many of Angelswin posters when they were 18.
  12. Aybar and Iannetta will have important roles with the newer players. They are both doing their jobs also. Unfortunately CJ Wilson remains a question mark.
  13. I got Bryant in the 12th round and Soler in the 19th(only an eight team league).
  14. Whenever it happens Giavotella will be joined by several not well known 2B who have apparently made their team's starting rosters - Micah Johnson, Devon Travis, DJ LeMahieu, Tommy LaStella, Jace Peterson, Matt Reynolds and Logan Forsythe.
  15. Everyone acts like the Angels may have already heard or will hear before the other MLB teams about Josh but this could not be the case as this would give the Angels an advantage with another team that might have an outfielder that we could go after.
  16. Is this the same Felix that went 1.2 innings today with 5 hits, 7 earned runs, 2BB, 2K's and got his ERA to 10.22 for ST? Let's take care of this Mr. Weaver.
  17. I see that the lack of a decision regarding Josh is impacting the contract talks with our Street. This is not good. Get off your ass Manfred!
  18. When are Manfred and MLB going to get this out of the way? I would not think that they want this gaining headlines when the season opens on Sunday.
  19. I see that Baez did not make the opening day roster and I still believe that Giavotella should and will.
  20. That's why he needs a nickname.
  21. Now that Johnny Giovatella has made the Angels, we need to come up with a suitable nickname as everyone (not just DiSarcina) has trouble spelling his name. Troll Daddy referred to him as "JV" a couple of days ago and today Jose Mota called him "little John". After I got over the shock of Jose Mota making a short person reference the name sorta fit him. What are our other ideas?
  22. You only get one chance to make a first impression and Baldoquin delivered (in a MLB ST no less).
  23. The airplane thing was in a talk about the high sky in Arizona which makes high flies so interesting for the outfielders.
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