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Dave Saltzer

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Everything posted by Dave Saltzer

  1. Thank you for making the point more effectively and succinctly than I did.
  2. See my response in the international draft thread.
  3. It's also a true art, as so many of these guys are so young (16--which means you are really deciding whether to sign many of them and for how much when they are 15). Just think, that's like trying to rank kids who are in 9th and 10th grade. There's a lot of room for growth and development. Since guys physically grow until about 23, and add mass typically until about 26, and for many of these players, you might not have as much access to their background, it's much more of an art. These initial rankings are very preliminary for these international players, and should be taken with a lot salt.
  4. In terms of ranking these new guys, I'll be honest, it will be quite a challenge. Being so young, and not having any chance to see them against pro and peer competition, it will be hard to give an accurate read. For example, we can have a much stronger idea on how someone like Adell will perform and be ranked, even though he is young, because we have a much stronger idea of the level of competition he played against. We will work our informants as best we can to try and figure out where they rank, but with some of them being extremely young, they will be years away. But, I'm excited from what I've seen of them. I like that we've added some young, higher end left handed arms.
  5. What? We haven't signed Peyton Glavine? Cmon, get it done!
  6. The ending to this game reminded me of that game against the A's we lost when Molina threw the ball back over the head of K-Rod. I've been searching for the video of that, but my phone is almost out of juice. Can any of you find that?
  7. He hit 90 in his first game back from TJ surgery last year, and was 90-92 later on. I am planning on getting out to IE soon to go check the team out.
  8. I'm working on my list and maybe Scotty and I will get a little piece going on this.
  9. This is one of the reasons why I respect you as a reporter. Your job is to cover the story, not to be the story. People who don't get that have no business giving advice to those who do.
  10. A serious question about Matt Thais. I haven't had time to get out to see the IE66ers yet (Little League, All-Stars, and work), but that should all wrap up this weekend. So, I'm wondering from those of you who have been out there to see him--how much of his lack of production has to do with the lack of protection he's getting in the lineup? Are the other teams just able to pitch around him so he isn't getting that many pitches to drive? If anyone has some insight, I'd be interested to know.
  11. A couple of things: 1) Let's get him out into Orem to see what he can do as quickly as possible; 2) Let's understand he is 18 years old, and will be competing against many 21+ year old pitchers, so let's have some patience; 3) He's not Chevy Clarke, or any other prospect. He is is his own person. Don't hang monikers on him because others did not succeed or he doesn't live up to your expectations or the supposed hype. 4) It may take him time to adjust to all his new-found wealth and fame, so recognize that, especially since he is 18 years old. 5) I really hope he does well.
  12. Red is right and we are already seeing it. High school football participation is down about 10% since the movie Concussion came out. A few seriously paralyzed kids, severe brain trauma, and it will become too difficult for most schools to maintain.
  13. Another thought . . . for those of us who are starting to feel old . . . next year we will start seeing our first players born in the year 00 being drafted, and within 3 years, we won't have anyone being drafted born in the years 19XX.
  14. So far we have drafted 16 pitchers. I wonder what that says about our organization . . . At some point, we will need to get some infielders and things to round out the teams for these players. My guess is in the 30s we will see a run on position players to round things out.
  15. Okay. I really wonder, though, if a team could do that then with a HS Senior or not. Could an independent league sign the player to a contract and then a Major League team sign him from there? It would be an interesting loophole.
  16. So here's a crazy thought: The draft only goes 40 rounds. And, as far as I know, the bonuses and pool limits only apply to those players taken in the draft. What if a fairly good HS or college player went undrafted and then signed as an undrafted free agent? Are there any limits to how much a team could spend then? Say, someone like Tristen Beck: could we spend what we wanted to sign him as an undrafted free agent? Is that a loophole a team could exploit?
  17. Seems like he should move to relief, fix the command of the two pitches, and focus on throwing hard.
  18. Is Erstad such a gamer that he'd say bad things about the club to keep one of his players? I doubt it. But, it's an interesting test of his desire to win vs. desire to see a player succeed.
  19. Good that they took him as a pitcher. I still wonder why Mitchell and Eder are still on the boards. Are they rumored to be tough signs?
  20. Yes, take the BPA. But, I want more HS players with tools. Higher risk with higher reward.
  21. Well, there goes Heatherly to the Reds . . . Hopefully Allen will slide a few more spots and we can grab him.
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