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Make Angels Great Again

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Everything posted by Make Angels Great Again

  1. It really speaks to the bloated state of DC tbh. All those fucks should be kicked out on their asses. That's really what the "project 2025" shit is about that lefty fags are so scared of.
  2. Oh yeah, well that's even worse obviously. I think many of us knew that Biden was basically a puppet. The fact that he isn't even aware of what is going on is a step further than I expected though. I tend to think it's not the mental decline (of which there is plenty), but just total ignorance.
  3. Why do trannies need a "day of visibility"? They have an entire fucking "pride month" which includes them, lol. So dumb.
  4. 100% guarantee Biden has no idea what tweets are sent on his behalf. So who the fuck knows who is basically impersonating the president.
  5. I don’t need to be cool for chicks anymore lmao. I’m married with kids now. take it easy brother.
  6. One thing i'll say, Sam Blum is certainly more interesting than someone like company man Lyle Spencer.
  7. @Chuck and I having some whiskey to turn the page on this shit.
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