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Everything posted by kevinb

  1. I wouldn't be trading anyone young. I'd be trading everyone older.
  2. Of course he'd say that. He's still technically his boss.
  3. Such a waste. How is it that the Mariners are better set up long term than the Angels are. Absolutely pitiful.
  4. What's going to be really annoying is. The Angels make no more trades. We finish up at around 8-12 in terms of the draft and we don't get the number 1 pick. But we are still not good enough. Just upsetting this is what our team has come to.
  5. The fact that Arte would not let a full rebuild happen is definitely part of the problem. These half baked ideas of "competing" which we really haven't done any of in the last 5 years is just silly. They should have either rebuilt or gone all in. Can't keep playing this one foot in one foot out game.
  6. I imagine they have someone in there farm in that waiting pool to come up and pinch in for a game.
  7. Literally doesn't matter this team is a bottom 3 team. Play Maddon at short for all I care.
  8. Our offense is 18th in team OPS. even in offense we are middle of the road in terms of MLB. This just isn't a well put together team.
  9. Bundy, Heaney have been good. Goodwin has been good as well putting up close to an 800 ops. Simmons was injured is a gold glove out of this world short stop who's putting up decent to good offensive numbers.
  10. What is going on with Eppler. This team is a bottom 3 team. Why is he holding on to everyone? He's made two trades for the future. Get up and actually do something.
  11. Maybe. We won't know how these trades look for a year or so. These guys could be out of baseball in a year or they could be integral parts of the rebuilding process. I am ok with both trades. But way too early to say it's a really good trade.
  12. Why? It's not your stats. Why does it matter?
  13. I haven't cared about Pujols in 6 or 7 years. He is what he is a declining over the hill first ballot Hall of Famer. The Angels because of this have tried literally nothing to upgrade his position and the one time we had an upgrade they traded him. Pujols isn't our biggest problem though. Pitching has been our biggest problem going on 5 plus years now. Pujols starting is just part of the problem that is the Angels as a whole. Only 1 year left, my how time flies.
  14. Someone said it somewhere else but along with that they should try to trade Teheran for whatever they can as well. Angels should be cutting salary and saving money while also just adding anything. Angels need to go for broke and the first pick in the draft. We are already one of the worst teams in the league, we need to be the worst by the end of this year to get that number 1 pick.
  15. Not great. This would be a colossal failure on the part of Eppler if he doesn't trade anyone and everyone of value right now. This team is one of the three worst team in the league. Gut this and restart.
  16. San Diego going all in with out gutting their entire farm is exciting and is what they should be doing when they smell blood in the water. Go for glory. Everything is about a title.
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