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Everything posted by cals

  1. He’s showing his hand. Most of us would be looking to help failos get laid, Taylor’s thinking about him finding true love and living happily ever after.
  2. John Cruz, a Hawaiian dude, does a few lines in that song and he’s a favorite of mine. Hawaiian Mexican.
  3. It seems like Manfred is dodging a serious metoo allegation and he’s overreacting to any sex/domestic issue to look like he’s tough on it so when it comes out he’s been handsy with masseuses for 3 decades he can say “not me! I’m the guy who banned Bauer for hooking up with sexually progressive ladies!” I have a friend who we’ve thought for years might be gay. But he’s always the dude pointing women out in a very demeaning manner and saying inappropriate sexual things that we assume is overcompensation for hiding his gayness. It’s vaguely like that.
  4. Well then you fucked up and I ruined your joke and yet you still decided to say it anyways. *sigh*
  5. And it will be 1 on 1 so nobody can judge.
  6. I’m waiting for Blarg to like it and we’ll know it was because he wants to lose 1 stone in 4 weeks.
  7. I believe he flubbed that line.
  8. Love the Irish stew at the oval bar in Dublin.
  9. Naw, I’ll roll alone. That way I can jack off in the hotel room. You’d probably complain if I did that.
  10. Did you want to come? I’ll ask next time if you did.
  11. That’s the way I always drink beer.
  12. If I have another stout I think I may vomit. Just kidding, I’m Dublin now and gonna power through a final night with Guiness and then on to Germany and helles lager.
  13. I heard it kills fetuses and turns you into a homosexual.
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