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Everything posted by cals

  1. Apparently they’ve reposted like 25 of these same ones they’ve done I’ve the last decade. https://www.theonion.com
  2. I don’t know if this has been posted yet but obligatory:
  3. And again, all we are doing is venting. All anyone can do is vent. If Sandy Hook didn’t alter our national course on this issue, nothing will. At this point it’s fingers crossed your kid’s school doesn’t get shot up. Fingers crossed your church doesn’t get shot up. Fingers crossed you aren’t buying groceries and the lights go out forever. Men, usually less than average intelligence, but not always, and usually white, but not always, and always with self-esteem issues need their security blanket. So fingers crossed it isn’t you or your family. Their right to be cowards is stronger than your right not to get blown away.
  4. Also, maybe, just having a gun doesn’t make you tough. When faced with real threats of injury do we think our AW brute squad would rush in? Or panic and find excuses?
  5. To me that’s sad. And he didn’t have to be that way. Like most things people do he probably got it from listening to fucked up people that couldn’t give 2 shits about him.
  6. I think we need to have a real discussion about why (mostly) white guys feel the need to be armed. All little dick jokes aside, how fucked up is an existence where you need to bring a gun every time you go buy bananas? The act itself has to just poison the psyche of the gun wearer. For a person with obvious self-esteem issues the act of arming oneself constantly has to have a contradictory effect from a feeling of safety and self-worth. Rather it’s a reminder, a false reminder, that this trip to Albertsons is not safe. That has to fuck a person up even if they’re not aware of the damage.
  7. He’s such a bad ass he reported my post this morning. That’s a true American hero.
  8. Not for the 90% of the incels that inhabit this place.
  9. If only those children were armed than this shit would have never happened.
  10. And they don’t take both your kidneys or you will die.
  11. Fucker doing the test kept telling me that he’s only testing Americans now and like 25% were testing positive. I told him “I better not fucking test positive”.
  12. By the way, Heineken is gross but it’s not bad in Amsterdam.
  13. Hush you. Let them have their time to pretend they know shit.
  14. They liked it just fine. They came from here and then went to Munich. I think you guys forget I’m married.
  15. I told you guys I had to leave and get on an overnight train. Woke up, not in a bathtub but in a train in Amsterdam.
  16. This story is so 2002 and 2014 at the same time.
  17. Anyways, you guys give me shit for making shit up or being fake or whatever but those were 2 food looking Ruskies. The photo doesn’t do Justice, TBH, I was tired as fuck and all puffy.
  18. <ahref:/insert:/simplejason.jpg>
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