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Everything posted by cals

  1. They should change the name to “Boeing’d”.
  2. If the Angels suck a national writer has the right to make an article about it. Sorry if you haven’t accepted that the Angels are terrible. Don’t read Bowtie’s article if it upsets you.
  3. As messed up as it is for all of us to accept the Angels are currently a terrible franchise. Moreno is mainly to blame. Rosenthal is a douchebag, but sadly he’s not that far off.
  4. Ironic then that the majority of Jews are pro-abortion and pro-queer.
  5. @Lhalo Both sides! https://www.thedailybeast.com/jessica-seinfeld-and-bill-ackman-fund-pro-israel-counterprotests-at-ucla
  6. I don’t know. But he’s not wrong that what happened then is affecting what’s going on now. And knock that “supporting Hamas” schtick. That’s classic Jewish doublespeak like being anti-Zionist means antisemitic.
  7. So a local Portland weirdo is part of a local Portland protest? Shocking.
  8. It was win-win for the Jewish community this morning. Sure lots of those fellows had sprained ankles and sore shoulders, but their orthopedic surgeon dads got to bill for a ton of exams.
  9. Ha ha, awesome. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters
  10. My favorite part is the dude is still wearing the mask in 2024. I’m sure his neurotic mother appreciates it.
  11. Lest there be be any confusion about who the “counter protesters” are, here is a photo.
  12. So I read that “counter protesters” attacked the pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA. Just like MSM won’t identify the dudes attacking random Asians in the Bay Area or random women in NYC as blacks the MSM is leaving out the part that these attackers are basically angry Jews. Shit, we can’t even head over the Fox to confirm the ethnicity like we can with black crime. Maybe Al Jazeera?
  13. Isn’t Fauci a poof like Taylor?
  14. You homos understand the Bible is fiction, right? You might as well be asking what Gandalfs position on euthanasia. Same shit.
  15. We are men of action Taylor, lies do not become us. We all know you didn’t sire that child.
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