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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. I like the Darvin Ham hire. I like even better that he will be able to assemble his own staff without, reportedly, the Rambii be involved with his coaching meetings and decisions. https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2022-05-27/lakers-hire-darvin-ham-as-coach
  2. It’s all weird, but Joc Pederson breaking it all down in such detail was awesome. MLB has a long season, so stuff like this coming up is great.
  3. I’m not sure of this was covered here yet, but the Mensa who ran the police response to this event will be sitting on the Uvalde city council. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/05/30/uvalde-mayor-says-school-district-police-chief-can-take-oath-of-office-for-city-council/
  4. Right up there with doors, video games, and faithlessness. It’s one obfuscation after another. Although, this does align with Herschel Walker’s proposed “Department to Look at Men Who Are Looking at Women Looking at Social Media.” It’s all just misdirection until we forget, then it’ll just happen again. Like a hamster on a wheel.
  5. I meant to add this to my last post. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/debunking-myths-about-gun-violence
  6. Seriously, STFU. This act isn’t funny in here, troll. You have nothing of value to add playing this sick caricature. There are plenty of real conservatives in this forum. Take your cosplay back to the furry convention.
  7. I think it starts with an honest discussion from our leaders about our love affair with guns. Stop all of the deflecting that gets us nowhere until the next one happens. Good lord, the people in Buffalo hadn’t even buried their dead before the next event occurred. All we hear after that is a bunch of absolute nonsense from our leaders that don’t even touch on guns as an issue. People can also stop with this notion that more guns in more places will make us safer. If that was the answer, we’d be the safest people in the world, and this stuff wouldn’t keep happening. For all of the stuff people like to say about Chicago and Detroit, places like Wyoming, Louisiana, and Alabama have the highest rates of gun-related deaths. I’m not saying take all of your guns away, but that’s where gun owners keep going, 0-100. Making guns harder to get would seem to be a good way to begin preventing mass shootings. Raise the to buy them. Close the Charleston loophole. Make background checks more thorough, and run them through all state and federal databases. Require training and licensure that must be periodically renewed.
  8. American civilians own roughly half of the world’s guns despite being around 5% of the world’s population. Americans buy around 14MIL new guns per year. We have, by far, the most guns per capita. Now, conservative leaders are blaming video games, mental health, fatherless homes, godlessness, and architecture (a new one) for gun violence. Every other industrialized nation in the world has those same issues. Every one. What they don’t have is 120 guns per 100 people. Nor do those countries have mass shootings. The preponderance of gun ownership would seem to be a big difference between us and other countries, yet no one wants to take a good look at that. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-guns/americans-own-nearly-half-worlds-guns-in-civilian-hands-survey-idUSKBN1JE220
  9. Oh, I agree. I’d love to see it put to vote so that the Republicans, plus Manchin and Sinema have to put their names on it. I put the Democrats in a similar boat as the Republicans because of their seeming unwillingness to do anything. When the Republicans want something done, they play hardball and find ways to get these things done, even if those things are horrible. They get their members in line or those members get expelled. When the Democrats run into an obstacle, that’s pretty much it. They seem to give up.
  10. These are good proposals. I would also add that a vote on HR-8 should happen as well. Stricter background checks has wide-ranging support, yet the Senate won’t take it up. I think that goes largely to the point Taylor was making about most of our senators being bought and paid for by lobbyists. I’m not really interested in taking away people’s guns. I am interested in making it more difficult to acquire them. As for school security, the main proposals I hear are the one-door idea, which is patently absurd, and it’s meant to be. It’s just a deflection away from the issue of accessibility of guns. The guns are the thing that separates us from other industrialized nations as it relates to gun violence. No one else has this problem.
  11. They look like the fashion jerseys that were popular in the 90’s.
  12. Perhaps unfettered access to these is a problem. Maybe a stricter licensing policy should be in place for people own one. Maybe raise the age to buy a gun to 21.
  13. I was under the impression that troll takes are supposed to be funny, insightful, or interesting. Your takes are none of those things. They are just Twitter-bot word vomit that infects any forum into which you spew it. This forum is for discussing the horrors and possible solutions to the gun violence in America, not for trying out your latest material for amateur night at the community center. Perhaps you should leave your takes in the dumping bin. That’s where trash belongs. Now, quiet down and let the adults talk.
  14. I know this is just a troll account, but WTF does that even mean?
  15. I mean, I’m a teacher, and many conservatives would be more comfortable with me choosing and carrying a loaded gun in my classroom (something I am wholly unqualified to do) than choosing what textbooks and novels to use in that same classroom (something I’m actually trained to do).
  16. He also said, “We will” at that same time. But, yeah, nothing will really change, and that moment really encapsulates the general ineptitude and apathy of our elected leaders. We get what we tolerate in life, and too many Americans are willing to tolerate this happening again, and again, and again…
  17. I would agree. It wouldn’t need to be anything splashy, just a few pieces to supplement what is already working. I like where the team is overall. As always, health will be most important.
  18. I have enjoyed the feeling that every game the Angels have the chance to do something amazing. For the first time in a very long time it looks like the pitching can keep pace with the hitting. I hope they can keep this level of play going.
  19. This is apparently a supply-chain issue as Nike as not delivered these to several teams. I share the sentiment that those are not the best look for the team anyway. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/rangers/2022/04/17/where-are-the-rangers-red-and-blue-jerseys-nike-hasnt-delivered-them-due-to-supply-chain-issues/
  20. “Taco Bell” and “Runs” definitely checks out.
  21. If those B&W images are legit, the Clippers and the TrailBlazers did something similar in the NBA. It’s not a good look, especially in a part of the country where everything is bright and colorful.
  22. The best I can say about the CC uniforms is that they aren’t all horrible. The Miami one works. I liked the Arizona one. My main issue is that there are like all of the various NBA uniforms that are meant as disposable retail fodder. I know I’m not the target audience for these things, but all of that time, money, and effort spent on designing these things, and then telling us how awesome they must be, just seems wasted. There are better ways to market the sport than with shiny uniforms that dilute your brand.
  23. One thing I was also reading about the ad patches is that they can be placed on either sleeve, depending on the handedness of the hitter. Many teams already have team-logo patches on the shoulders (the Angels have one on each), anniversary patches, memorial decals, etc. Plus the Phillies have numbers on their sleeves. This could mean the end of that, which takes away some of that fun distinctiveness.
  24. Here’s a look at the ad on a Padres jersey, as well as the Pittsburgh Penguins sullying up their jerseys. https://uni-watch.com/2022/04/20/padres-unveil-tasteful-super-subtle-uni-ad-for-2023/
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