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Everything posted by mancini79

  1. If Nate never moved to Wisconsin, Hillary would have won Wisconsin and therefore the Presidency. I blame all of this on Nate.
  2. Trump has one of his red hats in a glass box on his stage. Wonder if Christy will remove it and "crown" Trump on stage before the speech.
  3. I want to go to sleep, but want to hear Trump's victory speech. I'm also afraid the world won't be here when I wake up.
  4. I can relate. I held off watching the series because I also thought it would be too SciFi for me. I binge watched it before this past season and it was incredible. It is also one of my wife's favorite shows which surprised me.
  5. Congrats Cubs. Well played series by both teams.
  6. Indians still have a little life. What a freakin game.
  7. You wasted your moment during the 10 minute rain delay.
  8. Game being blown wide open. Get ready Wrigleyville.
  9. OK, how will the Cubs screw this lead up?
  10. Chapman has to get pulled if a runner reaches base.
  11. That squeeze play ranks up there with Pete Carrol calling a pass play on the 1 yard line of the SuperBowl.
  12. How dumb was that. A stupid squeeze with 2 strikes.
  13. So Hendricks, Lester, Chapman, Kluber, Miller and Allen soon to be out. This could get very interesting in the pen. Edge is on the Cubs with Arrietta available...(is he available?)
  14. How is that any different than any other night in Chicago?
  15. Holy hell. Maybe the Cubs are cursed. This is one crazy game
  16. I say Chapman stays in til the lead is given up.
  17. Thought for sure Chapman would start the 8th...
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