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Posts posted by HaloMagic

  1. Since his politics are unpopular nobody seems to care that the law was kind of broken again when his record was made public. That is all most of us were saying.

    You keep saying that like it's accurate. I had never heard of this guy before this thread. You keep saying that if it weren't for his views this wouldn't be a story. Fair enough. But I'd say it's more like if it weren't for his views he wouldn't be famous and if he wasn't famous this wouldn't be a story. It's a story because he's famous. If he played baseball or was high-ranking in the ACLU this would also be a story. But regardless of that, I think you are confusing the fact that it wouldn't be a story with the idea that people would accept it. If he wasn't famous this wouldn't be on the news everyday. But it's not like if someone told me about it anyway I'd just be like, "Oh well. Some people like to molest kids. What can you do?" I'm opposed to all molesters. People think he's a creep because he diddles kids. People know about it because he's famous. There's a difference between the two things.

    As far as people not caring when his records for leaked (or more accurately, deciphered). Yeah, that tends to happen. When bad things happen to bad people good people have a tendency to not care as much. When Mike Brown for shot in the head after stealing from a store and trying to fight a cop...shit happens. When Saddam Hussein was ousted from powers on false charges of WMDs...bye asshole. Hard to feel bad for people who are disgusting mutant monsters. This dude is a fukcing child diddler. Fukc him.

  2. A communist believes certain things. Not everybody who wants a smaller military or wants the US to intervene less in the world is a communist, but most people who think like Zinn and Chomsky, do.

    I'd fair to venture that there are far more people who want a smaller military or want to intervene less than there are people like Zinn and Chomsky. You're generalizing the wrong way.

  3. How is walking into your house and telling a little box on the way in to turn on the kitchen lights, set a timer for the streak you're about to take out, and play some Barry Manilow all while you're hands are still full with groceries/children/strippers not convenient?

  4. Is this for people that don't have siri or whatever the android version of it is on their cell phones? Seems kinda pointless.

    I think it's for people who think taking their phone in and out of their pocket is a pain in the ass.

    Taking my phone in and out of my pocket is a pain in the ass.

  5. Anyone have one? Mine came last week. So far I've been impressed with two things.

    First, it's amazing all the things I thought this thing could do without realizing it isn't JARVIS. It's not going to know what year Bill Clinton graduated college. I just assumed that since the internet knows it, Echo would. But it can't really decipher all the information on the internet. Finding obscure facts like that is just outside of its current range. It's clear at some point it will get there. Maybe not this current version, but the world is definitely moving towards it. But I imagined, without thinking, that it could do stuff like that right out of the box. It can't.

    Second, I'm blown away with how useful I can see this thing becoming over time. Being able to just walk into a room and tell it to set my alarm, or set a timer, or play some music. And it can link up with home automation such as WeMo to control lights and heaters with just your voice. No need to even pull out a phone. And being able to just tell it to play music and having it play from Amazon Prime means I'll finally get some use out of that part of my membership.

    Anyone with it? Thoughts? Things you like? Things you wish it could do?

  6. I'm still laughing at the term "sister diddling"

    I typed in the phrase as it was juggling through my head causing me to laugh. I wanted to find a way to include it. When I typed my post out and hit submit I was pissed to see the post above mine had the phrase in it. Came up with it completely independently but was just a little too late.

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