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Posts posted by vlad27

  1. He also makes it seem like he has gone above and beyond to be on the field - yes he got cortisone shots but I think that is just part of the job - he gets paid millions of dollars he should do Everything he can to play and satisfy that contract .

    Shoemaker was out for a bit too - he didn't complain and he put together a great start and didn't complain

  2. He found It comical that he was booed after his 3rd at bat - he says that like the fans are so quick to judge - but he is forgetting 2 seasons of sub par play with a big fat contract that we have had to endure . Those boos in my opinion are not just for 3 at bats they are for 2 seasons of frustration

    Also I think anyone athlete / performer / actor / musician etc etc needs to realize how incredibly valueable fans are to what they do .

    I am a musician and I fully realize that without fans and people supporting my gigs , buying CDs,merch etc that I would not get to do what I do. I am always genuinely glad for their support .

  3. Despite the sour ending to the season, I still really miss watching the Angels play. I watched all 165 games so there's a pretty big void now that the season ended.

    I'm an Angels fan more than a baseball fan, so watching other teams play does nothing to me.

    I agree completely
  4. I am not sure that Josh has a true passion for the game. He's an incredibly talented baseball player when he wants to be. For him it seems a means to an end. He achieved that end when he got his generation changing contract for him and his family. He seems to approach the game as if people should cut him some slack for reasonable things like struggling after an injury or layoff and he doesn't get that his contract obliges him to a different set of standards and expectations.

    Fans are not reasonable. It's just how it works. Instead of fighting it, he needs to own what he's now obligated to and suck it up when it's called for.

    I agree and I surely see a lack of passion when he plays
  5. Hamilton was my least favorite MLB player before he got here and nothing has changed.

    He signs the contract then immediately shows up skinny as hell from some absurd "juice" diet. The next season in the ninth game he slides headfirst into 1st base with some faux hustle and then vows to do it again? That, combined with his "blindfolded kid trying to hit a pinata" at-bats has me completely out of patience with his BS.

    CJ is ineffective but at least he cared enough to pitch through pain in 2012 with bone spurs in his elbow. He pitched well in '13 and early '14 before being ridden onto the ground (led MLB in pitches thrown) earlier in the year. I wouldn't be shocked if he's been pitching through some injury again.

    Disar was my previous "least favorite" but at least he never stole his contract.

    "blindfolded kid trying to hit a piñata " that's the perfect description
  6. I've written it once, I've written it a thousand times...the NFL's popularity is not a victory of the game of football. Its current success is a triumph of marketing. The NFL, with its broadcasting allies, understand that the present day American wants a good excuse to cook, eat, drink and sit in front of the TV where we can compare over-sized jerseys and tattoos. Plus, in the MMA era of trash talking and lifted trucks, the NFL is a likely ally.

    Baseball, with its hushed tone and - in the post-season - five or seven game series, is not built for instant gratification or tough talk. The NFL marketing department has mastered the art of feeding our present day event-ized mentality where TV viewers are looking for an excuse to sit on their asses and eat and get hammered. Every game is marketed with an angle, even if the teams involved are chum.

    I'm surprised that the NBA is ranked so low. I would bet those umpteen time outs in the final few minutes are part of its lack of popularity.

    I agree with your statements about the popularity of football - very well said
  7. He started Wilson in Game 3. Of course he should be fired but not just because of that horrible decision.

    Its also just plain time for a CHANGE at the manager position.

    Trade for Francona to be the next manager, the Cleveland Indians aint going to be in the playoffs next year anyways.

    what choice did he really have ?
  8. No way he gets fired - no way he should be fired - he took a team with starting pitching that was hit hard by injury , a team that had Ernesto frieri closing games for a good period of time , a team that had major slumps from almost Every star hitter etc etc to the best record in baseball -

    I will say though that him sticking with Hamilton all 3 games was a real mistake - it was obvious that he wasn't even near the ball in any of his at bats - and why was Cron in there for 3 games ? Still he's not getting fired

  9. We're probably still in this series with a healthy Richards in Game 3. Wilson doesn't even sniff the mound in this series. Garret's absence truly hurt us.

    I like the look of this team going forward. Add a starter and CJ is less of a liability. Hamilton, on the other hand...not sure what we can do about that.

    I agree I'm thinking had we had Richards he would habe gone I'm game 2 and yesterday a Shoemaker victory - still would be down 2-1 but sure better than being done
  10. Sucks that their bats got cold over just a 3-game span after kicking ass over the long haul.

    While the outcome was disappointing, I'm really proud of the team.

    Too bad you don't get accolades for being the best over 162. It's a crap shoot in the playoffs and I can just say I'm stoked we finally made it back!

    While Hamilton & CJ sucked down the stretch, there's so much to look forward to when thinking about this club's chances heading into the 2015 season.

    I for one have turned the page and I'm proud of the job Jerry, Scioscia and the players have done this season.

    agreed - this was a great season - it hurts today but overall we have to be glad to be s part of a great season from our team I'm hoping this taste of the postseason leaves our guys hungry to get back next year with better results
  11. If he didn't get fired after 2013 he's not getting fired after winning 98 games and taking a team that had a battered starting rotation and slumps from every major hitter to the postseason .

    I like Scioscia and rarely jump on the firing bandwagon but I will say that sticking with Hamilton was terrible - yes every one not named Calhoun or Aybar sucked this series hitting wise but Hamilton looked completely lost at the plate and it was obvious from game 1 - also why Cron for 3 games - I like his power but I dont see why he got 3 starts - regardless of that Scioscia is not getting fired nor should he

  12. Let's keep this on topic.

    As good as the Angels were this year, they could have been way better. That's the upside, so I think 2015 will be a great year for Angels baseball.

    Fill third base and get an elite SP. Freese was a bust, in my opinion. For a home run guy, he didn't come through, and he's not fast. I think Grant Green will get the nod.

    Hamilton needs to really change his swing. It's becoming quite a detriment when he tries to guess on pitches. He's always late on fastballs because of it.

    Wilson needs to be dealt. Everyone has him figured out. His stuff doesn't cut or break anymore, and his control is garbage.

    Put Green at third, pick up a couple more lock down relievers, throw money at a starting pitcher, and cut the coaching staff.

    I agree I think 2015 will be a great year for us - a lot of positives going forward - as for Hamilton I think he is done he looks unable to hit a baseball - I see him getting dealt with Us eating his whole contract or close to it - CJ could be dealt but I see him staying and being our 4 or 5
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