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Everything posted by drpiranha

  1. I spent 3 hours per game watching the 1st 50 or so games this season. I've never seen a team find more ways to lose than the Angels. I gave up on the season about a week ago. I have a lot of hobbies that I can devote those 3 hours a day to now that I'm not watching the game. I will still check the box scores for each game and the minor league players season. If there is a miraculous turn-a-round, I'll start watching again, but I'm not holding my breath.
  2. I don't like Nevin pulling starters 1 out away from a win, but I do like his use of the bullpen.
  3. You can luck into a good bullpen, but you can't count on that. Things have changed a lot in the last several years. I have been an ardent baseball fan my whole life, but paid little attention in the late teens. Fans always compared pitchers by ERA and WHIP and to a lesser extent K/9 and K/BB ratio. ERA and WHIP can be influenced by team defense and positioning. How many outs have been lost by bad outfield breaks or shifts being beaten and how many hits and runs have been saved by good defense and positioning. Tepera and Loup were great signings if you look at ERA and WHIP. Iglesias has lost 2-3 MPH on his fastball and sinker. Why? I don't know. It's the job of pitching coach to figure out why. Wise needs to compare good Iglesias and bad Iglesias. Is there a difference in arm angle or stride that makes a difference? I think every pitcher needs to be evaluated, not just by ERA and WHIP, but by velocity, spin rate, drop and the differences in all these within their pitching arsenal. Also, there has to be stats available for the the percentage of time the strikes are in central 2/3 of the zone, 80%, 90% etc and the ability to hit the corners. There is enough data out there to make more informed decisions. They just need the time and intelligence to use them.
  4. I think Wantz and Quijada would be considered power arms. I think, in the next week, they need to bring up Suarez and give the 6th starter spot to either Barria or Suarez and make the other pitcher, the long relief guy. Silseth needs more seasoning and Diaz is not the answer.
  5. Unbelievable...Phillies have 9 straight wins since firing their manager.
  6. I stopped watching after the 3rd loss to Toronto. My gut just can't handle it anymore. I am logging into gamecast every 3 or 4 innings to keep up. My complaints about Maddon just keep increasing. Was there any reason to pull all the relievers after a successful inning. Did Maddon really think that 4 in a row would preform well? Down by 1 run in the top of 9th and their 3 best power hitters due up 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, why let, Velasquez, hitting below 200 and slumping lately, hit for himself, when Duffy with 6 hits in his last 2 games is available.
  7. Lagares....He has not made 1 decent play in the outfield and 3 or 4 bad ones, the last 2 costing them 2 games. Adell is better plus he can hit HRs
  8. Can't take this sh!t. If the Angels don't come back, I'm not gonna watch a game for the month of June.
  9. You know how Maddon thinks. If Ward is ready to play Saturday, he will. he would rather not start him Sunday because he can give him an extra 2 days rest with the off day Monday.
  10. I don't understand...Doesn't Trout normally get the day off after a night game when there is an off day the next day?
  11. Wade: For someone coming into the season saying base running was the best part of his game ("I can turn a walk into a triple"), he is the worst base runner on the team.
  12. I think the offense and defense is fine for the most part. I think the starters are doing well. I think they need a little longer leash. Maddon seems to think all the members of his bullpen are equal and doesn't shy away from using them in pressure situations. I don't like Mayers being brought into late inning situation unless the game is out of hand (either way). I think Loup and Tepera need to change places with Loup used in the 8th. I'm concerned about Iglesias. I seem to recall him hitting 97-98 with his fastball and sinker last year. He is only hitting 95 this year.
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