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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. lol The quote in the headline makes her sound like Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. It's that good. "I will be British Citizen." Similar language follows. To be fair, the article has some pretty con trigger names, such as Amy Schumer, Cher, and Lena Dunham.
  2. Yep. Absolutely. Unfortunately, he's not good.
  3. ...and it REALLY HATES it when somebody's posted images are consistent in their ability to show on all devices, especially those which are up to date.
  4. ...and America HATES competency when it comes to posting links and/or images.
  5. Sooooooo, looks like he's not the guy for the Beavs.
  6. He was like that at Cal, and I think it was born out of necessity. The OLs that he played behind were not great, to say the least. By the time he was in his 3rd year at Cal, it was like he had eyes on the outside of his helmet. What you're seeing from him now is EXACTLY what he did at Cal. He made watching 2013-16 games fun.
  7. Recruiting won't be a problem. Recruiting hasn't been the problem.
  8. After last year and the Tom Herman ridiculousness, there's just no point in following any of this stuff too closely until ink is dry. It's a big waste of time.
  9. http://footballscoop.com/news/sources-beau-baldwin-oregon-state-head-coach/
  10. No. Trump's not a child molester or Democrat (anymore), but he's certainly a predator.
  11. Chipster is going to be interesting at UCLA. I think he'll do incredibly well. The recruiting advantage that UCLA has over so many other places isn't something to scoff at. He's a great college coach and having access to the athletes he'll get at UCLA will ultimately make for a scary good combo.
  12. How much tryptophan and alcohol did you have coursing through your veins when you made this post? That's lazy. F-
  13. I hope so, too. Tonight will be tough. Our coaching staff could get raided during the off-season.
  14. Unbelievable. Well, totally believable. It's just unbelievable that this is believable.
  15. For sure! Bummer to lose, but it's so impressive how much the defense has improved. We're a competent QB away from being a pretty decent team.
  16. The cupboard is bare and the new guy is a first time head coach. Looks like it: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaabk/missouri-tigers-at-utah-runnin-utes/game-center/sp-id-30401000001944222?ocid=INSSPBM10
  17. It might not be the two sides you're accustomed to seeing in this discussion, but he's very clearly defined two sides (neither of which he's expressed a preference for) and states that people have to pick from them.
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