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Everything posted by WicketMaiden

  1. Cricket *I'm ignoring cals' persistent attempts to re-live his adolescence
  2. Great stuff, you must be very proud. Good luck to you both.
  3. If she passed you in the street wearing a winter jacket, would you recognise her? I'd have to admit I'm probably a 'no'.
  4. This popped into my head today, it's quite appropriate for us Angels fans:
  5. What were the original criteria for the Presidents chosen for Mt Rushmore? I gave a place to GA for successful longevity, (most games, hits, bases, singles, doubles, extra-base hits, and a few more), but now I'm thinking that may be a mis-step, as I doubt longevity was a factor in the original monument. If it's about things that are game changers, then I'm swapping out GA for Ohtani.
  6. Chuck Finlay, Garret Anderson, Troy Percival, Mike Trout.
  7. Cold feet * *(our dōjō didn't have heating).
  8. Nonplussed or discombobulated spring to mind. Either of those would work but aren't quite as entertaining as your description. *(did you ever find out why she bailed?)
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