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Everything posted by Kotchman

  1. We could at least make a game out of it. Everyone should have to wear the set of the last person you banged.
  2. I remember a few people questioning the process of this trial a few weeks ago. Did we really need a picture of a lying jury member to change opinions? I mean we spent a year with panties on our head with nothing but a video game as evidence. People still want to wear the panties now that mortality data suggest no real advantage.
  3. I am just glad there were conservative Christians around 500 years ago. Can you imagine trying to get the libs in this forum on a boat with all the viruses of that time? I can hear them now" To hell with Freedom, Let's keep sucking the King's pecker until viral deaths have been eradicated."
  4. If your vaccine works? Why does it matter if someone else chooses not to get vaccinated?
  5. When used to murder another human being, no. Yes I believe one should have autonomy over their medical treatments.
  6. In fairness, young Americans with virtually no chance of dying have no real reason to take the vaccine. If the vaccine works, there shouldn't be all this fear from vaccinated people. What happened to my body my choice?
  7. I enjoy watching the elephant attack videos in India. Believe they lead the world in deaths by wild animal attacks. Also the world leader in butt doctors
  8. I think Bruce won the sexiest woman a few years back. That could be an option if sexiest man falls through
  9. It is weird how Florida has come full circle and trending more to the right. The bastard child of the south finally achieves while beloved Georgia, Va, and NC are becoming liberal cesspools
  10. I recommend consuming large amounts of alcoholic beverages.
  11. I don't think we need a pole dancer at the border. Visitation really just drains resources. Still can't pretend that border security is a strength of the dems. Shouldn't be this hard to ship these fuckers back. We don't owe them a first class ticket to Honduras. Throw their ass on a cargo plane and be done with it.
  12. We have Generals that serve across multiple administrations. When they make piss poor decisions they get fired. Yes, the President is Boss but he relies on the experts. Fauci was out general. He got a lot wrong and very likely paid for the research that built this thing
  13. Now we know surgeons wear mask to prevent spreading bacteria or splashes. Viruses not so much. N95s in a controlled setting, worn by trained personnel are effective. The wifes panties worn by average Joe is just for show. By the way I don't have tattoos
  14. I am more concerned about holding people accountable and preventing future research disasters. We can't allow the Faucis to fund banned research overseas. We need research but there has to be more transparency. Just crazy that Americans have heroized fauci and he is likely the jackass who funded this shit. Neither party is eager to release the facts of how this came about.
  15. Yes, that's why I have no faith in masks. The few doctors I know aren't big masks supporters. I have no problem with people wearing them. There just wasn't any real scientific date to support their effectiveness. When you look at results across all states there just isn't proof that any of the bs worked. Florida's numbers aren't much different than Cali. In the end the virus was going to virus and there wasn't a hell of a lot we were going to do to stop it.
  16. Yes, Nobody is crunching the numbers now that we have real data to judge. I just hope the same isn't true with the vaccine.
  17. Masks were always a crock a shit. I haven't seen anything that indicates areas with strict mask requirements did any better than non mask areas. They did provide a purpose in life for a few libs.
  18. so we didn't fund the chinese study gone wrong?
  19. Yes not as impressive as the money companies made leasing them to Uncle Sam. We could have bought them for what one months rent cost.
  20. Crazy. Those bastards mortared a milvan full of oxygen tanks in Mosul. I think only one person was injured but one hell of an explosion and the shit burned for day. Felt like we lost the war that night
  21. Just consider the counter point. Having guns does save lives. America having the biggest guns have allowed billions to enjoy some level of freedom world wide. We hope we never have to use them but evil and murder existed prior to their creation. I think we all understand the dangers of biological weapons now. Our unchecked allegiance to the Faucis directly killed millions world wide. Think of all the time we spent debating and legislating guns and not a one of us were really aware of the shit our government was funding. Our lawmakers were aware which is exactly why I don't buy any of there arguments about saving lives through gun control
  22. I did offer my son's college coack 1k to fight me in a cage. 5k if he won.
  23. Without guns wouldn't we all still be singing Hail to the Queen
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