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Everything posted by Kotchman

  1. We should probably give Joe a break on this one. With Obama, this a tiny improvement over Obama's rainbow flag. Let's just hope for the ambassadors don't get drug into the street and ass fucked.
  2. If everyone has followed the same covid rules, why did all the libs spend 6 months begging for a national mandate? A federal mask mandate was one of Biden's first orders of business. Granted the mask order wasn't first but it was just behind appointing a tranny HHS and allowing men to play women's sports. I am sure liberal cities everywhere did follow implement the Fauci Doctrine. These cities aren't a true reflection of the procedures followed in red America.
  3. I am pretty tame nowadays. Back when I was young and bulletproof I would drop some slurs as needed. Reminds me of HS game when I broke up a double play. I had one hand split open so I was just a pinch runner for one play. Ended up starting a brawl as the black SS and I exchanged racial compliments. Nobody was ejected or punished.
  4. That's a good question. I was at the STL airport last week and they have free speech booths everywhere. A black person was running each booth. I thought about visiting and dropping a few f bombs and racial slurs.
  5. I don't think the MSM is for Israel today. There are a few establishment Dems that are somewhat pro Israel but those numbers have declined over the years. The Jews are pretty damn dumb for continuing to vote Dem. I am sure innocent Palestinians have been harmed by Israel over the years but the root cause of the violence has been Palestinian Arabs. Israel has developed land and technology that far exceeds any Muslim nation in the region. Nobody is questioning the land rights of the Muslims. Islam is a very young religion and current Muslim nations are not much older than modern Israel. I argue Palestinian Arabs dropped the ball when the Ottoman Empire fell. They failed to join the new muslim nations or were defeated in their attempt to claim their land. At some point, Palestinians must accept defeat or take their ass whippings. Native Americans were some of the most uneducated people of their time and even they knew when to surrender.
  6. Hamas and Palestinians could take a lesson Isis. Those fuckers carved out chunks of land in Iraq and Syria. They controlled small territories in a few more countries. If this conflict is truly about land and statehood, I advise them to take on Egypt, Jordan, or a weaker opponent of their choice. There isn't a lot of historical references to Palestinians prior to 1900 and the term itself primarily began in the 1950s
  7. That was pretty smart. At least you can still use those
  8. It ain't a Hamas rally until Code Pink shows up
  9. Despite extensive bio equipment and procedures our top scientist failed to contain this virus multiple times. It was so contagious we moved the study to China and used their superior bio decontamination procedures. It's a damn shame looking back. All we needed were a few N95 masks or thongs and none of this happens.
  10. I just hope Americans don't take him seriously and start running over people who asked a question.
  11. In retrospect, this could have been the root cause of the Crusades. Maybe the beef wasn't over land or religion and was more about tight assholes
  12. That is true. The downside is women are solely for breeding and most of the men are ass fucking little boys on the side.
  13. I can understand people being against our tax dollars going to Israel. We have spent quite a bit more money and lives saving the Europeans. No doubt Israel isn't a perfect friend either. However, I prefer them to crazy ass muslims. The Muslims have been nothing but an ignorant war driven civilization since Mohamed raped his first child
  14. I can agree with first part. I have a lot more respect for Israel once they did attain the land. They do the majority of their on fighting. The damn South Koreans are still sitting around with their thumb up their ass. Israel was fighting wars in a matter of days. 70 years later and South Korea couldn't defeat the Watusis
  15. What is the starting point for land ownership rights? When discussing America the intellectuals like to start around 1492. With Palestinians sometime in the 1900s.
  16. No need to argue about masks anymore. We have a years worth of data. Show me how well the masks states did. Fauci already said the real problem was racism. You guys need to get with the science.
  17. I don't see why then on muslims wouldn't side with Israel and kick the muslims out. I am pretty sure peace could be reached if the muslims were removed. I can see your argument on tax money going to Israel. I support them for religious reasons but not everyone shares my beliefs. That said, Israel is the one nation we support that takes an active role in their defense. Nato and Korea are just a few we have funded with no real return on our investment. Palestine is a prime example why Americans should value our freedoms. Libs in here constantly downplay freedom without taking in the price that was paid. From the peasants that first boarded those three little boats to the Soldier who stands ready tonight, a lot of blood and personal sacrifice paid for our freedom. War is an ugly thing. Japan challenged our freedom and we sent two powerful messages to them and the world. We established a heavy price for fucking with our freedom and Israel attempts to do the same. They are surrounded by 130 million people who despise them to the core. They can't waste opportunity worrying about too many civilian casualties or optics. Anything Israel shells out is far more humane than the actions by the Ottoman Empire and the Muslim dictators. No nation is perfect but for some reason America and Israel are the only nations which perfection is the standard applied for judgement.
  18. That was my point especially the Muslims in Palestine. The Islamic Nations just use them for propaganda. I can't say they deserve their own country. This does sound cold but the reality is land rights only exists if you can defend them. I don't buy into the " I was born here so I have an infinite claim to the land." Israel today is much different than it was even in 1947. The Jews have developed the land and water once again flows through the desert as promised. Most of the land wasn't all that valuable in 1947. The Native Americans have made the same ownership claim about New York City. Do you really think the Indians would have built a metropolis? I can understand Palestinians will never be fans of Israel. However, at some point they must win or accept defeat and the ass whippings that come with it.
  19. I hate innocent people have been caught in the middle. At some point Palestinians need to fight and win or move on. You can't fault Israel for defending and developing their land as they see fit. Europe is full of Iraqi and Syrian refugees that found a way out. Hell for that matter, there is no shortage of under developed Sub Saharan Nations. I imagine it would be much easier to kick their ass and start a country vs dueling with a Divine power.
  20. The Palestinians have basically become the Muslim equivalent to blacks in the Democrat Party. There is ample land and opportunity for Muslim nations to welcome them. However, a successful outcome is not what the Muslim nations are seeking. Just like the Democrats, Muslim leaders need an oppressed group to distract from their corruption and stir up anti western hate on demand
  21. I guess my question is what prevents them from living amongst the Jews? I know Jews aren’t perfect but I prefer their company to crazy Muslims
  22. No don’t think that. I am surprised that Christians got caught in the middle. I had always assumed anyone left in Gaza was PLO or Hamas.
  23. Thanks. You have a pretty unique history for sure. I can understand your position on the conflict based on your family history. You are the first non Jew that I have heard their side of the story and it does suck your family was caught in the conflict. It doesn't sound like they are radical muslims
  24. Actually, the garage is for harboring relatives who are illegal aliens
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