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Everything posted by Kotchman

  1. Don't make this about me. I assume you are a GS employee or contractor. There is no shortage of your job stateside or abroad. So.. tell us again why you choose to live and work in the Mecca of man love
  2. I would add a dickhead level between veteran and Grand wizard
  3. These new AW member rankings reminds me of my bar hopping days. I would have been a veteran in those days
  4. We might be related. I did the same shit at an Arbys 20 years ago. I got home called back and the dude was a smart ass. Drove back to the place threw the food over the counter. Everyone denied cursing me on phone. I got my money back and drove home. When I got home, I figured out that I used an old phone book. The Arbys i went to didn't even exist when the phone book was printed
  5. It may have been the plan but I think she we will be shit canned now. Joe will remain in office even if he is in ICU. No way Moochelle allows Kamala to be first woman president even though it comes with a big dick asterisk . Look for Mooshelle to primary Kamala.
  6. I get his frustration with dumb questions. Americans really want to know what flavor of ice cream he had for lunch.
  7. i don't take things in here too serious. I would have a beer with anyone in here. I do have anger issues but that generally involves sports or someone disrespecting my family.
  8. Yes the Bush family got a lot of us to play along. That family did a lot of damage to this country.
  9. Can't argue with that. It's almost as suicidal as ha having dirt on Obama or Clinton
  10. It sure does and that was God's plan. Parents say "I want my child to chose religion when he is old enough" The reality is if you wait that long the child already has his religion and it probably taught on tic toc
  11. Fauci may be innocent but he owes some answers. Unfortunately now it is all political theater which gains nothing. We monitor nuclear capabilities pretty closely world wide. Probably time we pay a little more attention to biological threats. Maybe review our own funding of these projects. We may have allowed China to much might but it won't get better with time. At some point we have to stand up to their ass
  12. You don't believe public schools and culture indoctrinate your kids?
  13. i am sure a few still exists. However, the National majority are pretty liberal. Of course, I have disavowed the southenr baptist for their recent transgressions
  14. I see your point. I paid zero attention to my sons education through the 1st grade. I went to the school book fair and I saw the shit these schools were promoting. I moved him to a small private school that taught Biblical values. Your kids will be indoctrinated. The only question is which set of values win out. I chose not to give the immoral leftist 8 hours a day to indoctrinate my son. I set the conditions so that my son would have to be one rebellious fucker to become a liberal.
  15. I am with you but we need to address the research that created it. Fauci and the China need to be held accountable. We want to regulate Joe wearing a mask or getting vaccinated yet turn our heads to how this shit was created
  16. Thays the problem with progressives on both sides. It is all about control.
  17. There is where you go wrong. Lutherans may be moderate by Cali standards but they have a pretty long history of being liberal in the Bible belt. Back in the day, alcohol use divided protestants. The two main subjects dividing them today are gays and abortion. If I am going to choose a Christian school. I damn sure want to know where they stand on the issues. Granted, most the libs in here don't share my values and just want to separate their kids from the minorities.
  18. Would you like it if your job paid your gay buddies more?
  19. Yes I can never figure these campaigns. Baby clothing stores spending money recruiting people that can't reproduce. If its gays they want, I would just run a locker room commercial. Promote the fact the military forces straight people to share living quarters with cock gazers
  20. This is just the tip of the iceberg. When they lifted DADT they said nothing would change. There was to be no reference to orientation and no celebrations. One year later they gave homosexuals two extra weeks of paid vacation and their own month glorifying their sexual misconduct.
  21. I can see both sides. I am old and fat so I went for it. I don't blame young folks for skipping it. It is a little odd the military hasn't made the vaccine mandatory yet. Of all the shit they forced on troops, this vaccine has yet to be made mandatory
  22. I feel for the men serving today. I always believed God was on our team. Quite sure he don't celebrate pride month
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