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Everything posted by stevestevens

  1. Hostage is safe and outside the house.
  2. Looks like they need to face Blanton or Vargas to help them break out.
  3. Until a couple games ago, Jean Segura was leading the national league in hitting.
  4. I think they thought it read "Do schools pay college football players?" instead of "Should schools pay college football players?"
  5. This team is going through the motions. Something has to happen aside from closed door meetings.
  6. Awful Baseball. Just awful. I thought I was pretty clear on that point.
  7. There is no reason that Trout gets a lead off single and stays on first the entire inning. It is just ridiculous. Awful baseball. Just awful.
  8. Trout gets on first and only attempts to steal on a running count with two strikes......I have no idea what is going on.
  9. If you can find someone who will watch Friends with you then just go with it.
  10. Where do Tank and I complain about cheating programs since BYU and El Camino have football programs that have never been on probation?
  11. The belly putters are supposedly on their way out.....we will see if that happens. My brothers kids play in a lot of junior tournaments and he said the belly putter was basically non existent 5 years ago in junior golf. Now it is at every tournament. The 14 year old from China used one at the Masters. If nothing is done, it will become pretty rampant in the coming years.
  12. sure it is below the norm, but it is in no way unusual to get snow in April. Spring weather is like that. Days in the 50's and 60's with snow storms in between the nice days.
  13. Immelman's win is the only one that really comes to mind. He shot over par on the last day and still won pretty easily. Basically just played to not lose on Sunday. it was boring. Phil won by a good amount in 2010 but it was so much fun too watch because he was making phenomenal shots on every hole.
  14. that sounds delightful. Minnesota should just play on the road for the first three or four weeks of the season
  15. As much as stevie is a complete tool, you can't deny that he knows the course. The guy is good
  16. They do it on the green when it is not raining
  17. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats the back 9 on the masters. Just awesome. I was pulling for Day. My wife has loved Adam Scott for a decade. She was going crazy. My wife dvr'ed Saturdays round and watched it last night. She watched the entire coverage of all four days.
  18. Two stroke penalty, he has some ground to make up.
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