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Lazorko Saves

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Everything posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. Are spring training rules over or can we bring Ohtani back in to pitch the 9th?
  2. Do you think Arte looks at the A's payroll and thinks, "I should have bought this team instead"?
  3. Hey ump, don't forget to check Herget's pocket protector for illegal substances.
  4. I do like Herget coming right after Ohtani though. Hare then the tortoise can mess up anyone's timing.
  5. We need a HR by the offense tonight to see if they brought the cowboy hat back for another season.
  6. Maybe he's going for the Troy Perceval thing...intimidate the hitters by squinting at them.
  7. I would just like to point out that Ausmus would have pulled him in the first.
  8. I think the serious answer is it's wired to an earpiece for the pitchcom audio? Not sure.
  9. With only a 1 run lead here, it makes me all the happier Matt Olson is no longer on this team.
  10. He's very good and I'm glad we got him. But I still wish for a reunion with Victor someday.
  11. Yeah when other GMs immediately after the trade were saying, "we are shocked the Phils even were willing to discuss him", you know Perry was right to pull that trigger.
  12. Is Ohtani wearing the pitchcom under his jersey? Looks like he pressing under the S on the front of his jersey before stepping on the rubber.
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