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Futch Winkleman

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Everything posted by Futch Winkleman

  1. Holy crap! Brandon's back. Welcome back, B.
  2. Seriously. She needs to be lit on fire and then urinated on.
  3. Was it an actual number you gave, or just an emoticon (as per your usual)?
  4. So you gave an answer to how many shots you estimate were fired?
  5. It must have been deleted immediately after you posted it, because nobody other than yourself saw a response.
  6. No response on the shots fired by LAPD at the blue truck?
  7. "Tragedies like Newtown and Aurora are OK every once in a while, as long as the rest of us can shoot shit up on weekends with a high capacity magazine." -Gun nuts
  8. Bull Durham and Bad News Bears (original, not the crappy remake).
  9. We need to arm teachers and students and average Joe's on the street, because the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. When purchasing a gun, everyone should be required to check a box indicating if they're a "good guy" or "bad guy". It's real simple... if they indicate they're a bad guy, don't sell them a gun (duh). I agree with LBHalos17, that a "sane and trained" society is good for us. For example, look at all the training the LAPD and Torrance PD have received. If we can only have more people act in a similar manner, we will be a f*cking utopia! Yay Guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Win! I had a client in San Clemente a few years back, and used to frequent the one off of Ave Pico.
  11. What are the dots under everybody's avatar? Are those warning points?
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