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arch stanton

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Posts posted by arch stanton

  1. Probably a different Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi. 


    Yeah, that's it.

    I've spent 14 years on and off working in Saudi Arabia. I guarantee you there are several hundred Abdul Rahman Al-Harbis there. He probably has 2 or 3 cousins with that name. Anyway, it seems pretty plausible to me that at least one, if not more of those, is a different person. 

  2. I moved from California to the Denver area in 1981. The first girl I dated there was a big fan of the punk/new wave and had a thing for Chrissy. I found out a few years later that I had the privilege(?) of being her last male companion.


    MS is a brutal disease and a gut-wrenching way to see someone deteriorate and die. RIP 

  3. I'm going to be hated for this, I know I am... but in my honest opinion, yes. They both should be considered enemy combatants. They waged a small war on US soil. You're all saying that because the younger brother was a US citizen, he shouldn't be treated like the terrorist he is? In the end it doesn't really matter, he's going to be put to death anyways, but what's the difference between an Al-Qaeda member in Afghanistan, and a domestic terrorist. Maybe they should have their own grouping.


    Commence the hate.

    No hate but when we keep legitimizing what they do and giving it the status of war then they become legitimate warriors and heroes instead of common murderers and child killers. If our long established laws are that easily manipulated then our government becomes no more legitimate than those of Assad or Kim. 

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