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Everything posted by angelsnationtalk

  1. Bold prediction- Angels destroy the Tigers, Eppler makes a big trade after the game
  2. @Second Base make that a third one agreeing on this. Angels can have some form of leverage in a Greinke/Ray trade due to contract $. Ideally I’d like to see Greinke/Ray come to the Big A and the Angels not waste their farm for one big arm. (Cuz I like my prospects). But I’d also like to see us still have a chance to make a run for Cole in the offseason for shits and giggles. I just want a completely hauled over rotation. If we can acquire those two guys with us offering the right prospects (that doesn’t hurt the future) and have Arizona eat enough money to say “we still can go after Cole”, then I’m all in. Call Eppler, what’s his number?
  3. I know it unlikely, but give me two realistic package the Angels would need to offer. One with Adell and one without
  4. INF help maybe, but I don’t think the rotation would be that bad or short handed. Adding Thor financially still gives us a shot at making a run for Cole still. Hypothetically if that happens then the deep rotation looks like: Cole, Thor, Ohtani, Heaney, Canning, Pena. Only the #6 spot could be iffy. We’d still have enough finances to fix that too. Plus even having a #6 spot as an issue is way better than what we’ve had the last few years. Come playoff time we won’t be throwing out a 6 man rotation anyways.
  5. Damn you’re right. Greinke is a good deal IF AND ONLY IF Ray is involved and Adell/Marsh/Thaiss aren’t touched.
  6. Not close. It'd have to start with Adell or Marsh. recent article updating the Mets' pursuit suggested the Mets talked to the Twins about him and wanted the package to start with Buxton. They might prefer MLB ready defense more than heavy upside prospects (probably not). Goodwin is nowhere near the value of Buxton, but that's not to say he can't be added in to sweeten the deal. The Angels will need to offer a lot. But if they can pull it off while holding on to Adell and Thaiss then i'd heavily consider it.
  7. I think he possibly could depending on a few possible ideas: 1: Arizona needs will eat some money in the Greinke deal. How much? No idea. If they eat some then we will have a little more room. 2: Arte expands the budget for a pitcher only. Realizing Greinke and and Pujols are off the books after 2021 would free up over $60M. Arte could give it 2 years of riding close to the tax, trusting the youth, and taking a deep breath in two years. Arte has got to be tired of watching us pitch and now that he has Trout locked down, he'll think it's the right thing to do. 3: Another thing they could do that likely won't happen is include a salary dump (kind of) in the deal. Simmons could be a name thrown out there. Even though the Angels probably need his glove when thinking about a playoff run. Cozart would be a dump but he has no value, is injured, and no one wants him. If we acquired Greinke/Ray I still feel like Arte would open the budget more to still push for Cole. He sees Trout and he probably agrees the time in now.
  8. I would still like to see us get creative to make a run at Cole still. Wishful thinking... right?
  9. I'll take a 4.33ERA as a career worst any day. Specially when the guy is 26. I do agree with you. We do need low cost to offset this. Keep in mind after 2021 we will have $30M come off the books from Pujols and after 2022 we will have Uptons $28M come off. In just those two years that's $58M. Assuming Adams stays and becomes the player the Angels want him to be, he can offset Upton when the time comes. Thaiss or Walsh or Ward or Rojas (whoever isn't traded) will Offset Pujols an Adell will offset Calhoun. If worst came to work then Rengifo, Fletcher, Jackson or Wilson can offset Simmons as well. The money can be used for raises for Ohtani/others. Thor isn't all that expensive as we assume him to be. Adding Cole will be expensive, but we're all assuming Marsh/Trout/Adell will be the future star filled outfield. Don't get me wrong, I drool over that thought. But at some point we will have to part with someone not named Adell to bring back a solid arm to pair with Ohtani and (hopefully) Cole. I really don't think a rotation of Ohtani/Cole/Canning gets us to run deep. Realistically it's pressure on a young arm like Canning an a guy coming off TJ like Ohtani. A solid #2 like Thor helps get us much deeper. All the other starters in our rotation are either inconsistent or injured.
  10. Better than anyone we have and still very young. Plenty of time to figure it out.
  11. And I agree. But with checking in on someone like Thor i'm just curious what it'd actually take. Obviously we'd lose a lot, but there's no guarantee Marsh ever pans out. Or any prospect ever works out at all. The only reason we've said Adell is off limits is because they believe he WILL work out. Hypothetically, If we do get Thor and are able to sign Cole then Barria and Sandoval/Suarez become moveable pieces and it doesn't impact us at all.
  12. Okay so give me a package that involves Marsh. I'd say Marsh, Ward, Jones, Barria, Knowles, and Yan... ?
  13. It's an option, but i'd still like to see them get a solid #2 or #3. Even Thor for example. He's controllable through 2021, has extreme velocity, and he's still just 26 (27 in August). Those are all things Eppler is looking for. He's still in Arb years so it's not like he'll be making $15M per season. That could still allow us to go after Cole in the offseason and then once Pujols come off the books it could allow us to extend Thor. Of course, the Mets will be asking for some premium talent back which is why you're right about the 11th hour type of deal. Angels won't offer Adell, but they might be taking a gamble dealing away Marsh. As long as Marsh and Thaiss aren't included in the deal together I might be able to swallow it.
  14. Just posting on here for non-twitter users: @Jeff Fletcher brought up a good thought on realistic pieces the Angels could target. In the thread he listed "Ray, Boyd, Leake, Duffy, Minor, Syndergaard." (see link above) We've heard the Angels have checked in on everyone available, and linked directly to Boyd. Jeff, I do wonder what the Angels would have to include in a package for Thor. Eppler loves velocity which makes sense with him. The Mets were rumored to want a top 30 prospect with a few other solid pieces as well to be included. Our only top 30 is Jo Adell. Who I assume is completely off limits. So the question is would they have to include Marsh in the deal or can they get away without offering him? You mentioned he might not be worth the price as a #1 starter which maybe the price drops. Realistically what would the package look like and can it be done without depleting the farm they spent time to build? It would be cool (if dreams come true), to have a rotation in 2020 looking like: Cole, Thor, Ohtani, Heaney, Canning, Suarez/Barria/Pena. Would go from near worst to very solid rotation.
  15. How about... Chances Mike Trout gets to the postseason within the next 3 years and wins a game? I'd say 95%
  16. Ausmus needs to have a closed door meeting with this team after the game. Losing happens, but they shouldn’t happen against teams like this and this badly. I know we aren’t a great team, but we are better than this. Absolutely ridiculous.
  17. Tigers have 1 win against the AL West this season.... Don’t break my heart, Angels. A win tonight means we move up half a game in the WC race....
  18. If I remember correctly I think a team offered Pujols more money. Might have been Cincinnati or Miami... but the Angels weren’t the highest bidder
  19. If we sign Cole then I’m making you the reason we got him. Everyone here will make a cake for you!
  20. @totdprods can you do that deal without giving up Adell? Marsh/Thaiss/Jones then Simmons and SPs? If you don’t touch Adell then I’d do it.
  21. Are you allowed to tell us some form of details about that conversation? Would love to hear about it.
  22. So far Thaiss, Ward, Rojas and Walsh are all bench players.
  23. I think Thaiss has potentially more upside than Walsh. Although Rojas and Walsh have been great. I’m just suggesting to try and see if we can get a decent #2 or #3 without giving up Marsh or Thaiss.
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