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Everything posted by IheartLA

  1. just eye test but Fernandez doesn't look like he'd be a good fielding 2B, more like a 1B/DH type
  2. Pujols good take - unfortunately the ump rings him up ?
  3. Kinsler is the reason to believe in track record and why some feel Calhoun's upside outweighs throwing out the likes of CY
  4. this lineup on the other hand is bringing back memories of 2015
  5. Loving Skaggs this year, he's been looking better and better the farther away he gets from his arm troubles.
  6. Thaiss could very well be a September call up when rosters expand - if Fernandez/Thaiss start hitting then maybe the FO will evaluate the situation. Someone will have to show they have to be in the lineup - it won't just be bc Pujols is bad they change it up.
  7. Merrifield gets thrown out twice with Moustakas at the plate
  8. 5 innings Paredes, Ramirez, Alvarez, Anderson, Parker - Bedrosian/Johnson only if the score isn't close
  9. I was just making the point that even if there wasn't a passed ball he would have scored
  10. the passed ball? he would have scored anyways with the back to back walks
  11. this inning is Richards NY level, balls bouncing in the dirt every other pitch
  12. Cowart was terrible at AA for two straight years, beasted AAA/sucked in MLB for three straight years.
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