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Everything posted by cez

  1. What are drunk housewives and tweens to do?
  2. i didn't listen much after neal left, actually. it's weird because i thought his vocals were the weakest part of the ensemble, but he was an excellent writer. to be honest, i didn't care for much for v or snow. it took me awhile to even warm up to day for night because it was so poppish compared to their other work, but i really do enjoy the whole album now. the light is still my favorite.
  3. been listening to a lot of prog rock today while cleaning before the big game here's a nice song that nobody in here has probably ever heard by Spock's Beard
  4. The evil side of me came up with this as a response to the thread title: There's no cat dilemma that can't be solved with a burlap sack and pool of water. But I own 2 cats, and like them about as well as I've liked any of the dogs I've owned, so I won't say it.
  5. All cats are a little weird. #SemanticAmbiguity ba-dum bum
  6. this thread has taught me one thing most people are fixated on race
  7. he looks so happy in his mugshot creepy
  8. I've been mistaken for being a snob many times because I would usually go out of my way to avoid casual interaction with classmates in college, coworkers in the military and my current job, and parties and such. I think it's helpful for people to contemplate if somebody's an introvert or extrovert just so they don't jump to those kinds of conclusions. I don't do small talk and stuff because it's so draining to meet new people, not because I'm judging them or anything. It's always been a problem for me and for most introverts. I don't think it's something that anybody needs to obsess over, but the whole point of that book that taylor's talking about is so that introverts and extroverts can see where each other are coming from a little more clearly
  9. Always been an introvert, but it took me until my mid 20s to understand that most others aren't, and that I wasn't alone. Quiet is a very nice book. A friend recommended it to me a couple of years ago, and I think it outlines what we introverts go through very well. It helped me understand extroverts a little better, too. I identified with it most because supervisors in every job I've ever had try to get me to be a "leader," and don't understand why I have no interest in it. The main benefit I get from doing my best as a teacher is that people pretty much leave me alone. It's almost like not having supervisors at all, which is glorious. The only other way I could have this kind of autonomy is by starting my own business, and I'm just not built for that. Loved that the author was a trial lawyer who had to learn how to get in front of people despite how terrifying it is for introverts.
  10. It's really gross. I believe Stradling when he says In N Out hold things to a different standard. We have a 5 Guys around here, and I noticed it was really clean, and they seemed to design the kitchen so everybody could see it, which is extremely smart. Before I joined the Marines, I worked fast food for 3 years at Wendy's, McDonald's, and Taco Time. The sanitation was horrible. The dishes/containers alone...just wow. Imagine your teenage kid doing all of your dishes, and subtract the quality by 50% at least. That's what all of your food is being cooked and held in before it goes in your mouth. That's the tip of the iceberg. The mop and mop bucket I used at every place to clean the floors was toxic. lol.
  11. Yeah, the main thing that keeps me away from fast food is the lack of cleanliness. Nothing ever really gets cleaned, either behind the register or in front of it. This time of year especially, when I want to avoid illness so I can have a fun holiday season, you couldn't pay me to eat something made at a fast food joint. Or go to a movie theater.
  12. very cool ,strad. i'm an extreme introvert, so i understand what he meant by doing something that forced him out of his comfort zone. i picked a profession that involves lots of 1-1 interaction, and when i think about it, it might have been for that exact reason. glad to know you're a part of a good company.
  13. lol I can tell you as a fast food worker for 2 years, that was a nightmare for workers, too.
  14. I'd recommend not showing that you're annoyed ever, most especially if you're in drive thru. They don't get paid much, "supervisors" are almost always under the age of 21, and oftentimes high school dropouts themselves, and the workers on the grill/meat station have the most miserable jobs of anybody in the restaurant. They usually wear headsets to hear the drive thru orders, and if you're acting bitchy, they might (probably) just put something extra in your sandwich for you. Tip of the iceberg.
  15. Common vernacular for the time period, I would guess.
  16. okay, i'll post one. people always think Ave Maria is an xmas tune even though it isn't so here's an Ave Maria none of you have ever heard, but should hear AT LEAST the last minute of it at some point in order to be a complete human being:
  17. one of my favorite short stories xmas songs suuuuuuuck
  18. i hate them all equally i don't know if i told people on here, but i was a military musician, and we played xmas songs for 4 months every year. **** them all.
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