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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I was wondering if anyone else is old enough to remember that. That I realized it's AW.
  2. My guess is most people are. I admit this is a strange thing for me to care about.
  3. I prefer the announcers wearing red polo shirts on Sundays rather than sport coats made from my grandmother's sofa.
  4. This is one of those weird games where I just want it to be over. It's not fun and It feels like someone might get hurt.
  5. For value, you cannot beat the Lansky Blade Medic. I use it for hunting knives, serrated pocket knives, and all of my kitchen knives - including ceramic. If you're looking to make the edge like-new, you need something fancier. But if you're just looking to make an old knife (really) sharp again, this is a simple route.
  6. I would say that if Sandoval continues to have a 1.000 WHIP and 0.00 ERA, he will be a solid contributor. Seriously, though, he has been fun to watch - as have most of the starters so far. Maybe we don't need Ohtani-Syndergaard-Sandoval-Lorenzen to be the '98 Braves; maybe we just need them to not suck. That should be enough to have a winning record, which is something we have not seen for a long time.
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