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Everything posted by RyanExpress30

  1. Rangers won again. 5 in a row. Seattle lost again. If Halos don't win, Texas jumps everyone up to second.
  2. That throw had enough to make it close. Bad play IMO
  3. Make that 2 homers in his first 3 professional games.
  4. I'll take Cubs Rangers. But Nats v Cubs, Rangers v Red Sox would be a great LCS. A Cubs v Indians series would be good for storylines of tortured franchises, but I can't get into it. A Cubs v Red Sox would be good for historica teams. A Nats v Rangers series would be interesting, since Texas was the Senators. Dodgers or Giants? I'll read a book instead. I'm pulling for Texas though.
  5. Well the Angels finished about 25 games behind the Rangers. I hope the Blue Jays beat Baltimore, so we can see a Jays - Rangers rematch. I dont think any AL team can match up with Texas, they should go to the world series. Will they play the Cubs? Can anyone beat the Cubs? Is this a year of destiny? For the Cubs? Or maybe it is the year the Rangers break through.
  6. So the question remains, who makes the post season next, A's or Angels? I think the A's,are closer, especially if Sonny Gray rebounds.
  7. Playoff appearences since the year 2000 Angels=7 Oakland=8 You were saying? A better question....which of the two makes the next one?
  8. Hmm, a guy has a great season for the Rangers and hits free agency. The Angels pay full market price and then some on a huge multi year contract. What could possibly go wrong? Seems like I've read that book before.
  9. Maybe the Angels should try to overpay Rangers players again, Ian Desmind 6/$150m. Its worked so well in the past.
  10. Need new manager and new GM. This team is not only bad this year, but the next 2-3. Rangers and Astros will battle for the division until 2020.
  11. I love me some Tim Tebow, but this seems like a bad move. Why not just go kick Canadian butt in the CFL like Doug Flutie and Warren Moon?
  12. Trout is a great player, but I'd take Seattle Griffey over Trout any day. WAR is the most over rated of all metrics.
  13. Hello, was an Angel fan in the 1990's, not so much now. Favorite Angels players were JT Snow, Garret Anderson, Tim Salmon, and especially Jim Abbott. I've been reading the forum for a couple years now.
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