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Posts posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I can. The Angels 2010 draft was a complete fustercluck. Four first round picks with only Kaleb Cowart, Chevy Clarke, Taylor Lindsay, and Ryan Bolden to show. 


    Also, aside from Richards, Corbin and Skaggs our system has failed to draft any decent pitchers -- starters or relievers -- in many many years.


    Ugh.  Ryan Bolden...Did the Angels finally get rid of him this off-season, or is he going to get a 5th chance to stink up rookie ball this year?

  2. I bought my tickets for this game the day they went on sale, because the wife is a Yankee fan.


    I just bought tickets for me and my best friend to attend.  He's a Yanks fan (was actually a batboy for them when he was a kid).  It's an early birthday present from me to him.  I rarely make it to midweek games due to my work schedule and how long it takes to get to Anaheim from LA, but figured this one was worth the effort for my friend.

  3. I've followed the Angels since '78, what's changed for me is one big thing.  That one big thing is social media, fans now have an outlet to voice their opinions and criticisms without much control or moral responsibility.  It's a really precious thing to have this ability to criticize and be out spoken about the teams they follow.  Some of it gets way out of hand because it is made with little control, and with no consequence as to what is said.  There is a certain percentage of people who have no idea how offensive some of their remarks can be, and even if they know they are they excuse them under free speech privileges.  So my big hope is that we all learn to criticize responsibly and professionally.


    Moral responsibility?  Wow.  Come down off of the high-horse, please.  We're talking about sports here.  I think you're giving it TOO MUCH weight.


    For the life of me, I don't know why one Angel fan should be happy with what we have seen from the team as a whole.  Sure there are some bright spots, especially the young starters, but overall they have been pretty uninspiring. 




    And just b/c I don't cheer every move or think that everything is hunky-dory, that doesn't make me less of a fan.  

  5. Huh? I feel like the national media loves him (and rightfully so). I don't watch ESPN, so maybe they are different but online articles tend to agree that he is the best player in the game. He may not have as many stories on ESPN because he doesn't get benched for lack of effort (Harper), benched for missing practices/personal conduct (Puig), or keep drinking out from a bottle of scotch when the cups pull him over (Cabrera), but I feel like Trout gets plenty of love out there.


    He absolutely does.   But it's easier for some people to continue to play up the "East coast bias" myth, since it makes it easier to play the victim when things go wrong.

  6. A third false narrative. Bourjos did a good job stealing bases in 2011. However he did say the Angels gave him a stop sign in the St Louis media.



    He stole 22 bases and was caught 9 times.  That's not good.  Generally speaking, unless you're stealing bases at a 75% or higher rate, you're actually hurting your team in terms of expected runs.

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