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Everything posted by CAAngelsLifer

  1. I'm not sure what happened to them... I thought WE had it bad. Their pitching and their offense are flailing way worse right now. Last night's game was the equivalent of the Astros doing that to us. So embarrassing.
  2. I'm probably naive and a romantic idealist when it comes to baseball but I don't like the idea of my team desperately begging for a known cheater. I'm not a win no matter what type. When the the next round of Biogenesis names are released, I'm going to be upset if any of our guys are involved. I'd rather not have the Angels mixed up in all that and Colon already is.
  3. He has been playing every game I'm sure he's just getting a night off. plus he was 0-fer last night, maybe he needs it. hopefully Cowgill takes this opportunity to heat up.
  4. and for the record- he's by far my least favorite pitcher we have so i'm not sticking up for him because i like him.
  5. I wouldn't say he's never been good. I'm with everyone here- he's been hard to watch and it's hard to have much faith in him but you can't write him off completely. Inconsistent, definitely. "never been good". I disagree. Maybe "never been great" . I hope it's still in there somewhere because he's in our rotation until 2016 no matter what we do here on Angelswin. 17 wins last year with an ERA of 3.39 and 1.312 WHIP. he was "good" last year. I hate being a devils advocate but sometimes we fans just complain about our players and ignore the stats. That said, i agree- the last 2 months have been almost unwatchable when he has started. It was fine at first because he got so much run support but with our offense sitting on its hands he needs to step it up a notch until they can start scoring again. I would be really surprised if there isn't something wrong with him physically. i hope that's the case because he might be back in better form for 2015 after the off season.
  6. Hundley would be nice. We already grabbed Street. Do the Padres want to unload Cashner too? We could just have all of their best players from 2014. Heck... Even Headley at 3rd.
  7. almost through the season and the "rules of the challenge" are still unclear to pretty much everyone in MLB. hmmm....
  8. Someone needs to brainwash DiSar. He needs to know FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL NOT TO SEND RUNNERS WITH CESPEDES THROWING!!!! Why can't he get that? It's happened about 15 times now.
  9. I hope the good at bats continue. If i recall last time we faced Ruby we made him look like Tanaka
  10. because it makes you look cool. there's always that chance the ball will just magically hit itself.
  11. not from albert and howie, but any sign of life from Trout is good. i'll take it. we NEED him to warm back up.
  12. good inning, CJ. Good inning. lets just get like- 6 more of those out of you.
  13. it was one inning. at least they are making contact. I'm going to be glass half full today until CJ has "the inning"
  14. And just when a ray of hope shines for Trout, Albert grounds nicely into a double play...
  15. I'm nervous. I can't stand playing poorly against the Red Sox. Let's hope they right the ship at Fenway.
  16. Trout's punishment for this really hard to watch slump is going to be losing the MVP to Felix Hernandez. As of right now he does not deserve it. I'll happily eat my words if he heats back up and carries us into the postseason
  17. i hate it when the A's come back in the late innings... it's like they don't know how to lose properly
  18. I'm surprised that Gary didn't send Howie home...
  19. Classic Gary.... is anyone coaching him on coaching 3rd base?
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