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Everything posted by CAAngelsLifer

  1. Trout will come out of it. I think we can generally just expect this from Hamilton for the next 3 years and unless DP steps in, Sosh will keep him right where he is in the lineup. let's settle in for the long haul.
  2. DH Trout, put cowgill in. easy peasy. Trout hit well at DH in Tampa (i think it was tampa)
  3. Props to Iannetta and Freese for doing their part and getting on base! FINALLY a HR that isn't a solo shot!
  4. don't worry- they'll find something to be arrogant about
  5. Anyone other than Calhoun hitting well right now? maybe Iannetta...
  6. because he was hitting well in AAA and they thought he might help the situation... WRONG.
  7. It defies logic that they won't move him out of the cleanup spot. almost everyone else in the lineup is getting more hits right now. I wouldn't complain about ANY change they made to the 4 spot. 2 RISP completely wasted on a guy who barely ever makes contact anymore.
  8. yeah... but i hate seattle. i don't hate KC... i don't care about kc.
  9. Why in the hell would you pitch around Hamilton? He's the surest out...
  10. I just really don't like how Seattle is creeping back in....
  11. i'll take the sac fly. it's better than his last 10 at bats
  12. To be fair, Calhoun is the only one without an anemic bat.
  13. I'm afraid Ron Washington isn't dumb enough to pull Martinez in the 6th inning of shutout baseball so we can start hitting off the bullpen....
  14. yeah... that wasn't a strike either... i agree with sosh
  15. Is it weird that I feel more comfortable with the Angels vs really good pitchers? after Greinke and Kershaw they've faced mostly "bad" pitchers with high ERA's and haven't hit much off of them.
  16. The A's broadcasters keep referring to the Braves as the A's... driving me nuts.
  17. Can we trade CJ's UCL for Tylers? At least Tyler (as up and down as he can be sometimes) isn't insufferable.
  18. Poor Hector Santiago is doing a heck of a job for his teammates and they are just hanging him out there to dry...
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