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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. So once we tighten things up like you mentioned, we are good to do mail in voting again?
  2. Sounds good. So who gets mail in voting done correctly? Which states, counties, jurisdictions?
  3. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/08/10/president-joseph-r-biden-jr-approves-hawaii-disaster-declaration-3/ Plenty to be critical of Joe Biden. But maybe Branco should occasionally put down the crayons.
  4. So just to verify, the state I live in that went for Trump and is heavily red, did not conduct a legitimate election in 2020 and has not since 2013 when they allowed mail in voting, correct? All republicans voted into office with votes from mail in ballots are illegitimate, right? Just want to make sure we are being consistent here.
  5. To be fair, a few of those guys, including Trump, should have been indicted just for war crimes.
  6. You never know. Maybe the prosecution can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Or there is one juror that goes rogue for Trump. If republicans want to win, they need the moderates and independents back. But in my opinion, they won’t if Trump gets the nomination. We’ll see. But it isn’t looking good for him right now due to certain accusations.
  7. If Trump goes to prison, his inmate number really needs to be 11780. It would be an injustice if it wasn’t.
  8. @St1ck is actually the one that posted it. Anyways I’m in shock over this, I’m only a couple years younger. RIP Brandon. Always loved your sense of humor and the debates you had on the boards going back to the ESPN days. We’ll miss you.
  9. You will be missed greatly Lou. I never met you and yet I felt like you were definitely part of my life for the last 20 plus years through the different message boards. Always looked forward to your posts no matter what forum or topic. AW will never forget you.
  10. Trump was asked nicely and quietly for over a year to give back documents for which he refused to 100% comply. Trump was not charged for documents he did return. He’s been charged with obstructing for those that he did not. Imagine if Trump had complied completely and didn’t obstruct. He’d have one less indictment. But Trump’s narcissistic personality disorder can’t allow him to function properly. If only he had done what Pence had done and cooperated.
  11. To be fair, Donald Trump, Don Jr and others didn’t help their cause. They might not have tried to collude on their own but they sure as hell didn’t seem to turn down any chance for help. No one made Trump ask for 30,000 emails from Russia while doing so recorded. No one made Jr. accept an invite to meet with Russian nationals and even though that meeting produced nothing, it produced an email showing him willing to work with them if the opportunity arose. Paul Manafort sharing polling data with a Russian national tied to their intelligence community didn’t help matters. At the very least, they made themselves look guilty as hell. The problem is Trump, his family and those that surround themselves with his family aren’t victims in my opinion. A lot of this stuff they bring on themselves and tell others they are victims. He didn’t want to shake things up, he wanted a slice of the pie (remember his charity?). He just didn’t know how to use the knife and fork while other scum bags do. Republicans ignored a true outsider in 2007 and 2011 with Ron Paul in the primaries and eventually went with a real estate mogul with a sketchy past and personality.
  12. I’m not saying things weren’t good. I’m just saying they had been good for awhile previous to him coming into office, the good times were a continuation of an upward trend. But you’re right, he probably would have been re-elected. Although his tariffs and the U.S. tax payers having to pay billions to farmers because of the tariffs is something I wish he would have avoided. But he’s a guy that’s impulsive and can’t stay out of his own way (This latest court debacle and Truth social post is evidence of that.) The problem is if the economy was good, there would be no reason to lower rates. Lowering rates is meant to stimulate the economy, raising them is meant to slow it from overheating and if the economy was red hot, that would be the last thing needed to be done. To be fair, they should have started raising them back in 2015 or 2016. They had been artificially low for too long. The seeds of inflation were there long before covid was heard of.
  13. When he mentions the economy, I have to disagree. I’m not saying it’s wasn’t good. I’m just saying it had been good for awhile before he came into office. But it seems like in typical Trump fashion, he took all the credit. When things like unemployment had been trending downward for years. One thing Trump did that was completely dumb was in 2018, when he pressured the Feds to stop raising interest rates. I know why he freaked out. Because his pride and joy was the stock market was not taking the news well. For some reason, the supposed independent Fed blinked and Powell gave in and stop raising rates (I think he started lowering them again). You don’t lower rates when the economy is doing well. Trump even mentioned wanted them to go to zero or negative.
  14. Well he weighs about 190 so slim pickings.
  15. It’s too bad he didn’t try sooner to take down the deep state. But I get life can get distracting when you’re running a fake university that requires you to pay back $25 million to people you conned. Or misusing funds from your charity (embezzlement?). Or trying to nail Ivanka. Not sure why he wasted four years as President in not locking up Hillary. Maybe he’s just a procrastinator.
  16. To be fair, Trump has kind of made it easy for them.
  17. I just decided to take a break from AW back at the end of 2021. I had been on the site almost every single day since Chuck launched it back in 2004/2005 and just got kind of burned out. I spent the majority of my time in the Spin forum because the last seven years, it had been more entertaining than actual Angels baseball with all the shit that has gone down with the franchise and the very disappointing seasons year in and year out. I am not going to lie though, I kind of wish I was checking the meltdown on main forum last year during the epic 14 game losing streak but my thoughts were with you guys. But even the spin forum seemed to kind of take a dive (if one can imagine that) as well right before I left, in my opinion at least. Seemed like some long time posters stopped posting on the site altogether or stopped posting in the forum itself. For awhile it just seemed like the fun spirited political debate was lacking, especially when people would bump threads from years ago and I would read through it and you truly felt like you got conservatives and liberals points of views. Whether you agreed with one another, didn't matter. It was just fun and entertaining. And even sometimes thought provoking where I might consider another point of view. Just seemed to be night and day difference between what it once was and what I perceived it to be at the time. But that might have just been my issue and skewed perception. My dad texted me about what he saw regarding Lou and to be honest, I thought not only of him but you guys. I figured I would pop in and give my respects to the great guy that Lou is. And of course, because I did that, I got pulled into the Spin forum like old days. Not as strong as I thought I was. Good to see Chuck hasn't shut it down and good to see some people posting in it again.
  18. Didn't Mike Pence (a Republican) get cleared of wrong doing for unintentional handling of classified information? Didn't over a 1000 people get jailed during the summer of love in 2020? Sometimes narratives are just that. P.S. I stopped by to make a comment for Lou and figured I would check in on the good ol' Trump thread. Good times had by all.
  19. So sorry to hear. Lou I have been enjoying your posts since the ESPN message board days. Your positive outlook on life is a great example to me and your sense of humor is something I always loved each and every time you posted . All I can say is my thoughts are with you and with your family and friends. May they find comfort in this very difficult time.
  20. We have our share of problems such as a one party state (no gridlock), certain taxes and of course when the Mormon church has hands in politics but for the most part it is a decently run state. Love California but don't forsee myself ever moving back.
  21. Gas in my area has been dropping as price of oil has been dropping. So here's hoping.
  22. I agree. The cognitive dissonance is not lost on me.
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