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Posts posted by TroutCron

  1. I still am upset about the Carney Lansford trade to Boston. It was easy to see that he was going to be special. At the time the Angels always traded away the young playrrs for vets. This trade was awful. Burleson was really good for the Sox but not so much for the Halos. Carney Lansford would have been the best 3rd baseman in club history and might have won batting titles for the Angels. He also played excellent defense.

  2. Another good move by DP. Absolutely needed a left hand bat. I didn't see Cron as an every day DH. Jepsen was very good last season but he hasn't been consistent in his career. He can be replaced by Morin and Pestano.

    I think DP might be done now until the spring. The only moves I could see are if some sucker wants to take Josh and absorb a chunk of his salary. Same for CJ.

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