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Ludwig Von Mises

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Posts posted by Ludwig Von Mises

  1. The bountiful contributions of Freese and Conger speak for themselves.

    Conger stole 12 strikes last night.

    I understand that people may be skeptical or angsty after having to endure years of Lyle Spencer propaganda*, but this really is a measurable and repeatable stat that can represent real value. (+18 runs in this case). *Mathis, while above average, has never been among the best pitch framers.

  2. I love reading the overreaction to our starters on this thread....our problem since the All-star break is the lack of offense. Our middle of the order has been almost nonexistent. It would be nice if our 3,4,5 hitters start to swing the bats like they are capable. The approach by our hitters lately has been abysmal

    Agree. Richards and Weaver have been very good and Shoemaker and Santiago have been fine.

    Pre-allstar the Angels score 5.1 runs per game. Post-all star they've scored 3.4 per game (before tonight).


    I was worried earlier in the season about how many pitches CJ was throwing (led the league at the time). He was pitching great and Scioscia had little choice with such a terrible pen. Had we started the season with the pen we have now then things may have turned out better for CJ.


    Just have to hope that this offense wakes up and CJ gets better. The August 2012 meltdown of the starting pitching still haunts. That team was rolling for 3 months, trade for Greinke, then completely shit the bed.

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