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Everything posted by bloodbrother

  1. What else can you say. Dumbest team in baseball bar none
  2. This crap cannot be tolerated. HORRENDOUS baserunning AGAIN by this team.
  3. Trumbo swings at a ball that might have hit him lol
  4. Trout's speed saves what would have been an awful double play with Pujols swinging at an easy ball 4. Phew
  5. Harper's shortening his career with him acting as a crash test dummy
  6. I'm ok with it. No reason for him to run into walls and hurt himself in what is pretty much a lost season this year anyway. Stay healthy
  7. Most scouting reports pegged him as a 2b/SS who can hit 15 HR and steal 30+ bases to go with a .300 BA. The uptick in power this year is definitely surprising(maybe Braun hooked him up? jk of course). Other than Trout, he was the next guy I was most excited to watch on this team for years. If the power development is real, he could become a 15-20 HR SS to go with his elite speed. Brewers have got to be loving the return they got
  8. Segura with HR #7. Man that Greinke deal is looking really bad now
  9. Yeah, he hasn't been great either but he's young and needs more innings to hopefully improve. Blanton wa brought here as a stopgap anyway, but he just completely sucks at it
  10. They need to just accept that this was yet another bad signing by the org and cut bait. This guy has made 8 starts on the year and the team has lost EVERY ONE OF THE GAMES. They have 24 losses on the season and 8 of them have come with Blanton on the mound. He's atrocious just move on please and put Richards in the rotation for good
  11. That's a clown route to the ball, bro Seriously though I hope he's ok. He looked a little out of it at first and his neck and hand were bleeding. Hopefully he doesn't have a concussion and has to miss time
  12. He took a horrendous route to the ball, got completely turned around and when he tried to recover and find/track the ball....well, he ran out of room.
  13. I was fine with letting Ervin and Haren go. Both players did NOT deserve their options getting picked up, not after the seasons they had. I wish they would have tried for Anibal Sanchez though, especially when they missed out on Greinke(or moved on as the rumors said). I was excited about the Hamilton signing but it was still weird to see them spend that kind of coin on a bat rather than an arm The Blanton signing was crap from the get-go and a majority of us hated it. Bad enough they signed him but for 2 years? No clue what Dipoto was thinking here and I just hope the team moves on from this soon. This is almost as bad as watching Jeff Weaver pitch in an Halos uni The offense is fine going forward but there is a lot of work that needs to be done with this pitching. I don't see this being fixed in one offseason. The farm is barren with little to NO close to big league ready pitching talent. They need a few good drafts and to hit on some electric arms(starters and relievers), look to sign a solid starter in the offseason....can't go for the top tier arms considreing all the money they have locked up to Weav, CJ, Hamilton and Pujols, so it will have to be bargain basement arms yet again
  14. Yep And I hope Blanton is DFA shortly and Richards given an everyday spot in the rotation.
  15. Lol that heat map is embarrassing
  16. Well, Gomez WAS a top prospect back in the day...might just be another guy who figures it out later in his career. He hit around 14 HR with 26 SB post all-star break last year.
  17. I bet his NFL career is over. Stories like this usually end up with the dude continuing to get arrested/doing stupid shit He's like the NFL version of Elijah Dukes
  18. Pretty much. Sale is a really good pitcher to. Team did their job by winning 2 of 3 on the road anyway. Hell, just winning a series is good since they haven't done much of that this year
  19. Well I guess Kohn sucks to so either way they were screwed this inning
  20. Trying to get him a shot at the win but dude should have been pulled and had Kohn face Alexei. Too little, too late now. DAmage was done
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